Olbern Settlement in Kalin | World Anvil


Olbern is small island city-state off the west coast of Kalin. Olbern is best known for its use of magic. Some of the finest mages and magic users come from Olbern, and the city is guarded by the Sentinels, magical guardians created by the Magi of Olbern.   The city allows visitors and traders, but there is no institutionalized education in the magical arts. Instead mages may come apply to live in Olbern, and long-standing families are expected to arrange for the training and education of their children.   Olbern is led by the Council of 8, with each Council Member representing each major school of magic. Every so often the Council elects an Arch-Mage, who leads the entire Council in an executive manner.


Olbern is almost entirely magic users of one variety or another. New families or inhabitants are required to apply to live on Olbern, and must show magical aptitude. Those born in landed families not capable of magic are either exiled or join the manual work force of farmers and miners that keep Olbern running. Race wise Olbern does not discriminate. 40% Human, 27% Olark, 20% High Elf, 8% Pure Elf, 5% other.


Olbern is led by the Council of 8, with each Council Member representing each major school of magic. Every so often the Council elects an Arch-Mage, who leads the entire Council in an executive manner.


Olbern is guarded by the Sentinels, magically created guardians who enforce the city-states laws and policies. Additionally as each Olbern resident is a gifted mage an attack on the island would be unadvised.

Industry & Trade

Olbern is mostly self sustaining, with the taxes levied on the residents paying for the import of needed materials. But magic covers most needs, and traders bring in what the city doesn't have.


Enchanters, magical forges, scroll makers, and various magical businesses are common.


Olbern is filled with austere towers, well maintained villas, and other gorgeous architecture.


Olbern is a warm and sunny island, with sunshine year round.

Natural Resources

Olbern doesn't have much in the way of natural resources besides the ability to grow crops.
Alternative Name(s)
Island of Magic
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization