Jarak Settlement in Kalin | World Anvil


Jarak is one of the less well-regarded Dwarven realms. This is due to two factors: First there's the fact that Jarak exports the most Dwarven criminals per capita, as the saying goes "Every time a Jarak Dwarf gives birth, she's destined to be mugged by her own child." While something of an exaggeration it's not unfair to say that Jarak does have a criminal problem.   Second: Jarak was very open about its dealings with the savage Gir'An/Norsemen to the Northwest of their city. Jarak would often trade them weapons, ale, and other goods in exchange for gold with little concern for how soaked in blood it was. This has changed in recent decades after the Year of the Dragon, as after the Fall of the Blood Shaper Jarak began trading its cannons and weapons to Aurelia and Tharrisia and has continued to do so, warming opinions on the city around the non-Dwarf world. Though old prejudices die hard.   This is somewhat offset by the fact that Jarak has the best Dwarven Ale in the known world, with Ale from Jarak being compared to Wine from Embrel in terms of perfection of the alcoholic drink.


Jarak has more poor and jobless than most Dwarven cities, leading to the criminal situation. Racially they are almost entirely dwarf, but do allow some other races in. 90% Dwarf, 3% Norse, 1% Human, 6% other.


Jarak is ruled by a representative from each Kor (Neighborhood) in the city, making up the Assembly. The Assembly votes by simple majority on all issues of governance.


Jarak is guarded by its massive gates and soldiers, which have a higher rate of firearms than most other Dwarven cities.

Industry & Trade

Much of Jarak's income comes from two sources: trading their world famous ale, and trading their massive cannons and well made armor to their neighbors.


There are more inns and dive bars in Jarak than the normal Dwarven city. There is also an excess of breweries.


The area around Jarak is cold and bitter most of the year.

Natural Resources

Jarak has ale as its main resource, along with the metals and minerals common in Dwarven cities.
Alternative Name(s)
The Honorless City
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization