Eir-Bron Settlement in Kalin | World Anvil


Eir-Bron is the unofficial capital of the Dwarven Confederacy, as it is the city where all the other Dwarven realms meet to discuss matters of foreign relations. It was also the site of the dramatic final battle in Torva-Dwarven War, where the then-King of Eir-Bron Fimud slayed the Elven Emperor Corai.


Eir-Bron is, like most other Dwarven cities, mostly made up of craftsmen, miners and the like. Where Eir-Bron differs is that it has the biggest diversity in inhabitants and visitors of the Dwarven realms due to its status as unofficial capital of the Confederacy. Though "diversity" might be too strong a word for it.   85% Dwarves, 4% Duregar, 2% Olark, 2% Human, 2% Drow, 5% other


Eir-Bron is ruled by a hereditary monarchy dating back before most mortal time keeping.


Eir-Bron is guarded by some of the fiercest Dwarf warriors in the world, with proud military traditions originating in the Torva-Dwarven War.

Industry & Trade

Like most Dwarven cities Eir-Bron makes its money in mining, ale exporting, and crafting.


Smithys, forges, and factories are common place in infrastructure.


Eir-Bron is somewhat unusual in how much of its city is actually outside, with large amount of its mountain carved to allow for views of the sky. This is a function of Eir-Bron being the city most foreign powers send their emissaries to.


Eir-Bron is one of the southern-most Dwarven cities, making the area around it more hospitable than most.

Natural Resources

Dwarven Ale, rare minerals, and Dwarf-forged goods.
Alternative Name(s)
The Gathering
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization