Dragonborn Species in Kalin | World Anvil


Dragonborn were once the protectors and servants of the Dragon races throughout the world. After the Dragon War the Tyrant Abberon forced the dragons to abandon the Dragonborn as their servants, which the defeated Dragons complied with. While Abberon may have had darker plans for the Dragonborn those plans were halted by his assassination.   Following their separation from their masters the Dragonborn were forced to fend for themselves. Many could not stand being disconnected from the Dragons and went on doomed paths such as aimless mercenaries or suicidal berserkers.   Those that stayed together began to form into clans, and over the ages these clans found their way back to Draconfall, the region where the Dragons made their last stand. These clans band together if threatened from the outside but otherwise keep to themselves, and wander the region following good hunting and what their spiritualist religion calls for.   They will trade with the various races of Kalin amicably but are somewhat wary of outsiders. Culturally the Dragonborn are a Shamanistic and somewhat simple people who prefer to stay in their close-knit clans and families.   Though individual Dragonborn will occasionally go out into the wider world to explore and adventure.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While Dragonborn will sometimes wander, most can be found in Draconfall.
75 years, but reach maturity much faster than other races.
Average Height
5'11" - 7'
Related Myths