Peter Arthron Character in Kaldra | World Anvil
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Peter Arthron

Peter Arthron

Peter is a young child the Lost Souls found in Helena Prison. They elected to take young Peter with them when they escaped and he's tagged along on most of their adventures. Quick to learn and usually quiet, Peter is a sponge; taking in as much knowledge as he can. While he is incredibly wise for his age at times, most of the time Peter can be found doing childish things.
  Peter was later discovered to be in communication with the Merlin Construct, through what Peter described as "dreams".
  While taking Queen of Inglaand Ellen de Bans to find Excalibur, Peter tagged along for most of their trip. It was when Ellen was not able to pull the legendary sword that Peter was chosen by the Lady of the Lake to take up his birthright as the Rightful Ruler of Inglaand.
  How he can do so is entirely up to the Lost Souls, however, as the boy has almost no training with a blade or the politics in Kaldra...

Mental characteristics


None - lived his entire life in a prison since just after birth.

Morality & Philosophy

Avid learner - seems to soak up everything around him.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

SAVVIES:   Connecting deeply with the world around him, truly living in the moment, digging/mining, making games out of things   INEPTITUDES:   Reading, study, sitting still, being patient

Likes & Dislikes

LIKES:   Learning, Exploration, Being childish, figuring things out, being mischievous.   DISLIKES:   Washing himself, staying still or being left out

Virtues & Personality perks

Pure, handsome, quick-learner

Vices & Personality flaws

Uneducated, life is new to him, unrealistic expectations, is mischievous.

Personality Quirks

Looks at simple things in awe, dreamer, skittish


Awful - usually doesn't bathe and doesn't like to be dressed up
Current Location
Helena Prison?
4' 4"
48 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

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