Duchy of Elmast Organization in Kaladas | World Anvil
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Duchy of Elmast

Elmast is ruled over by the Grand Duchess Lady Grey, her family was recently ( 4 years ago) appointed to this position because the last Duke was executed for high treason for consorting with dark forces.It was discovered he was a high ranking member in the Cult known as the Dawn. A group of fanatics that want to awaken the world to the darkness of the void.Bringing balance to the world through nihilism. Lady Grey has three sons and two daughters. She rules from her palace located in Quatford with no husband,it is known she has many consorts of all species of the tree.   When appointed Duchess, She has never traveled to all her villages as is tradition, saying responsibility of state as to her absence.This has caused some of the outer villages and locals to question her rule.
Geopolitical, Duchy
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