Few diseases are as deadly or feared as this invisible evil. Killing more who develop symptoms than almost any other common pathogen. Tuberculosis spreads through the air from person to person. Fomenting a chronic cough who's bloody product is a dreadful portent of the terrible ordeal that awaits its victims. Yet this is not the only symptom, or even the most common. Fevers, chills, sweats, loss of appetite, fatigue, and weight loss (from which comes the old name of consumption) are all signs of a terrible disease that seems to consume those unfortunate enough suffer from it. For some, a slow, painful recovery awaits, yet they are the fortunate, for more than half its victims die. Though it can take months to do so. Slowly and painfully as the disease waxes and wanes within them. Spreading though them and eventually, inevitably, passing on to their family as well. Condemned by living under the same roof and breathing the same air as them. In squalid conditions a family of nine might be reduced, after a year, to two.
There is now a vaccine to this disease, but it is difficult to produce and not widely administered, worse of all, there is no cure. Nor is there likely to be for some time, much as one is desperately sought after. Prevention is seems, is the only course for now. Sanitation, clean air, better nutrition, and living conditions all seem to help. Thus the anti-public spitting campaigns of the late 19th Century. It may no longer be the leading cause of death in Europe. However for those who do catch it there is little hope, unless it lies in the salvation of souls, for those who are religious. Rarely do they hope for a physical recovery.
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