The Lady of Sanctuary Character in Kaevil | World Anvil
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The Lady of Sanctuary

Creator of the world and of all life, grandmother, mother and sister to the gods, the Lady of Sanctuary is a much loved goddess whose blessing brings wholeness, growth, health and life.   Her sons are The High Father, The Lord of Sand and The Iron Face.

At the urging of her son The Lord of Sand, the Lady of Sanctuary created a new world beyond the borders of time and death where worthy souls can live life anew and untouched by the effects of time. She spends part of each year in the darkness in company with The Lord of Sand and bringing comfort and delight to the inhabitants of her new world.

The Whisper has claimed that the Lady of Sanctuary is a sister but who knows the truth of such things or of anything spoken by The Whisper?    

Social Provision

Temples and shrines to the Lady of Sanctuary were known as places of healing and safety. Those who are ill, infirm or injured could attend and be sure of compassionate care and (usually) skilled attention.
Particularly in cities and larger towns the shrines and temples could also be places where the hungry could go for food and clean water, and perhaps a bed for the night. Orphans or children with no other means of support would be taken in by the larger temples and raised there as "the Lady's own beloved"

Divine Domains

Life, fertility, survival beyond death, plenty

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her symbols are the chalice, the metal copper and her gemstone the emerald
Divine Classification


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