Fagor of the Sea Character in Kaevil | World Anvil
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Fagor of the Sea

Fagor (alternatively: Phaegor) of Caervil was a renowned sailor and sea captain in the early years after the foundation of the land. His family origins are unknown but he has been variously claimed to be of noble and common-birth and some say he was the son of one of the original founders of Caervil. According to the tale, the coasts fell prey to raids from seaborne attackers during those first few decades since the landing, fierce men in blackwood ships who came from the east across the sea. They attacked without mercy and seemed more inclined to butcher rather than plunder those upon whom their eye was set.

Fagor captured one of the raider's ships, which he renamed Algar, a long and swift vessel and crewed it with men (and famously two women) of proven worth in battle, and all of whom had lost someone to the raiders. They searched the seas and slew any of the raiders they encountered, adding their ships to their own fleet when they could.

On one infamous occasion a crewman of the Algar betrayed his captain for gold and arranged for Fagor to be captured while ashore replenishing supplies. Fagor was taken on an arduous journey across unknown lands into the east (his captors did not dare use the sea-ways for fear of the Algar and other ships of the fleet) and suffered greatly while in captivity. Presented to the chieftain of the raiders he was imprisoned and threatened with execution at the next midwinter. His crafty escape is the stuff of legend and folk-story since then - involving a disguise, the use of a carved flute, a purloined ring from a guard, and the affections of a gullible huntsman.
Following his escape, Fagor made his way back westward, encountering dangers and wonders as he did so before returning home to Novryk (then a small settlement) in time to interrupt his own memorial service and to slay the crewman who had betrayed him before the ceremony in which that traitor was to marry Fagor's (supposed) widow.
14 AS 72 AS 58 years old
Circumstances of Death
Lost at sea


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