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Session 10 - Summoned to the Palace

General Summary

After their return, the group headed to the temple of Astarte. The high priest expressed surprise at seeing them, saying they had been gone for seven days, and he did not expect to see them again. This left the companions perplexed, as they thought they had only been gone a day, but a look at the moon suggested that Melas was in the right. His concern was complicated by the fact that several other Brazen Bulls in addition to the one the companions had defeated had escaped from the workshop that had produced Talos.   Abraxas chose to stay behind at the temple. His mind filled with curiosity, delved into the profound meaning behind spilling blood in the labyrinth. In his typical legalistic manner, he sought out potential loopholes, analyzing the possibilities. Melas explained that any literal shedding of blood caused the ritual ablution to become ineffective. His companions, who were about to leave, had questions of their own. It was Pyro, who first raised his voice, inquiring if the labyrinth would have wine. Xenobia, not one to be left out, added her own question, asking how much wine they should bring. The priest, perplexed by these unconventional inquiries, found himself unable to provide a satisfactory answer and simply advised Pyro to take the middle road.   At that, Abraxas' companions joined Theresa at the apiary. Lenora sought refuge and requesting Theresa's protection after the incident at the Gymnasion. Theresa managed to convince the matriarch of the house to offer shelter to Lenora. Pyro and Xenobia soon followed, engaged in a lively debate about the ideal location to indulge in their favorite drink. Once again, Xenobia's magnetic presence drew attention of friends and neighbors, securing them lodging in the apiary.   Xenobia, aware of her arm injury, approached Theresa for assistance in healing it. After careful examination, Theresa estimated that it would take a week for the arm to fully heal, but she also felt the urgency to enter the Labyrinth as soon as possible. Pyro, knowing that his dwindling wine supply would pose a problem, suggested that Xenobia take another five to 10 days to rest and recover. Lenora and Abraxas shared the sentiment that a week would suffice but were inclined to wait longer. In the end, the party collectively decided to rest at the apiary for the duration of the next seven days.   During this period, Theresa made regular trips to the temple to tend to Abraxas. At the apiary, she continued her work in the beehives, engaging in tinkering and caring for Xenobia's injury. Lenora assisted Theresa, accompanying her to the town to sell honey and studying the intricate lifecycle and social order of the bees. As she observed their behavior, Lenora contemplated what distinguished a queen bee, how they were chosen, and eventually overthrown by their diligent workers. Seeking more insight, she sought out the beekeepers, who shared tales of an enigmatic communication system among the bees and the ruthless nature of the workers when dealing with a defective queen. Deep in thought, Lenora drew parallels between the bee society and human society, pondering their shared dynamics.   Meanwhile, Abraxas remained at the temple, dedicating his time to meditation and self-reflection. He contemplated the significance of shedding blood and, upon recollecting Xenobia's inadvertent act that defiled the temple when the boy fell, he deduced that violence, such as physically harming someone, would be strictly prohibited. Seeking clarification, he approached Aphrodite, the goddess from whom he derived his powers, and inquired whether the use of magic that inflicted mental harm would fall under the same prohibition. Although he received no explicit answer, Abraxas sensed an inclination to exploit this potential loophole.   In his intoxicated state, Pyro decided to seek out Zagreus, hoping to engage in a drunken conversation. As he slept off the effects of the wine, vivid and unsettling visions played out in his dreams. In his slumber, he witnessed Zagreus crawling over lifeless bodies, mouth dripping blood and swilling wine, and in a high-pitched voice, Zagreus declared his impending arrival. Stirred by these visions, Pyro confronted Zagreus within the dream and expressed his desire to transform into a horse. Zagreus responded enigmatically, stating that anything was possible through him. Inspired, Pyro spent the rest of the week engaging in peculiar stretches and contortions, attempting to mold and shape his body into that of a horse. However, his antics elicited fear and discomfort among the children and guests at the apiary, resulting in him being relegated to practice within a small shed.   Xenobia, ever committed to honing her combat skills, continued her training during the week. Her sessions attracted a crowd of onlookers, intrigued by her impressive display of strength. Towards the end of the week, she was approached by a group of well-armed guards. Clad in boar's tusk helmets adorned with horse tails and carrying spears and figure-eight shields, they were led by a man named Milagro. Milagro approached Xenobia, acknowledging her formidable strength and discussing her mysterious origins from the northern lands. He conveyed the King's desire to have Xenobia serve King Minos of Neheshya. Pondering the proposition, Xenobia requested Milagro to consult Pyro, as she trusted his judgment and sought his counsel.   Together, Xenobia and Milagro made their way to the shed where Pyro was practicing his unconventional stretches. Interrupting Pyro's focus, Milagro inquired about the nature of Xenobia's relationship with Pyro. Pyro responded, proclaiming himself to be second in command under Master Spyridon and emphasizing the importance of luck and treating others kindly. Intrigued, Milagro urged Pyro to convince Xenobia to join the King's cause, offering her the promise of armor. Pyro, ever the negotiator, inquired if they could also teach Xenobia to jump over a bull and provide her with ample food and wine. Milagro agreed to the provisions of food and wine and, after careful consideration, expressed confidence in their ability to assist Xenobia in mastering the art of bull jumping. Satisfied with the outcome, Milagro took his leave, and Pyro urged Xenobia to accept the King's offer, regardless of her original plans to explore the Labyrinth. Seizing the opportunity, Xenobia caught up with the soldiers and agreed to join their cause.   The following day, the King's men delivered a bountiful supply of food and wine to the apiary, which Xenobia graciously shared with the estate as a gesture of gratitude for their hospitality. In the midst of their stay, Abraxas visited the apiary to caution the party against losing sight of their primary mission. Acknowledging his words, the group reaffirmed their commitment to the task at hand. A few days later, Xenobia received a summons from the King himself, and she requested that her companions accompany her. The King's messenger obliged, and the entire party (aside from Ischyrós) was escorted to the palace, with a quick detour to collect Abraxas along the way.   As they entered the grand hall of the palace, a lavish feast awaited them, overflowing with delectable food and wine. The King gestured for them to partake in the sumptuous offerings. Theresa, ever gracious and composed, accepted the invitation with poise and gratitude. Pyro, his eyes wide with anticipation and his mouth watering, wasted no time indulging in the extravagant feast. Turning his attention to Xenobia, the King inquired about her extraordinary strength as a warrior and her origins from the northern lands. Xenobia confidently shared her background and emphasized her current role as part of a cohesive team. The King mentioned several imminent dangers - the escaped brazen bulls, the possibility of the Cult of Dionysus descending upon Nostauron - and added that he would like Xenobia's assistance in dealing with them.   Next, the King turned his gaze towards Abraxas, seeking to understand his position within the group. Abraxas identified himself as a seer, deriving his powers from Aphrodite. He revealed that he hailed from the mysterious Land of Nimmur, adding that he had served as the priest of Ishtar-Aphrodite at her temple, but had yet to be betrothed to his goddess. He further explained that he had attached himself to the group because he sought to retrieve an item for Aphrodite, and as the priests here told him that the maze was sacred to her, he felt that that solidified the group in pursuing a common purpose.   Theresa then became the focus of the King's attention. He hinted at her otherworldly nature and acknowledged her immortal existence. When pressed about the purpose of her journey, Theresa initially spoke in riddles. However, she eventually clarified that her mission was to reinstate an apiary destroyed by Poseidon for a mortal that served her deity, Despoina.   Lenora, too, came under the King's scrutiny, with the King alluding to her extraordinary origins and commending her swift entry into the Gymnasion. Lenora, feeling uneasy, shifted her gaze through the floor and opened up about her desire to escape from her own pain, seeking solace in the company of her newfound companions.   Lastly, the King directed his attention towards Pyro, inquiring about his role as the leader of such a unique group of individuals. Pyro responded with enthusiasm, his mouth still full, and attributed his position to a combination of luck and friendliness. He spoke of Spyridon, who had served the king's uncle faithfully, and drew a comparison between ruling and the fate of the guards in Ormos, who met a gruesome end due to their obsession with control and order. Though the King seemed momentarily taken aback, Pyro clarified that it was not a threat but rather a reminder of the power of camaraderie and the influence of a generous spirit.   The meeting concluded, and the party was ushered to their quarters within the palace, which boasted luxuries like running water from a faucet. Pyro, however, playfully tested the faucet, hoping for a stream of wine, only to be met with disappointment. Theresa, ever the observer, examined the intricate masonry of the palace's construction. Meanwhile, Xenobia and Pyro found themselves running together in a courtyard, with Pyro miraculously transforming into a horse, their laughter and exhilaration echoing through the corral.   While exploring the palace, Theresa and Lenora stumbled upon a heavily guarded door, piquing their curiosity. Upon returning to the group, they consulted Abraxas, who surmised that the door could potentially be the entrance to the labyrinth. Suddenly, Xenobia's body tensed, and she began to walk away, seemingly entranced. In a desperate attempt to snap her out of it, Pyro resorted to slapping her, but to no avail. Lenora, witnessing the scene, questioned Pyro's actions. Panicked, Pyro implored Lenora to fetch Theresa, recognizing that Xenobia was experiencing a troubling episode. As Xenobia continued to walk away, seemingly disconnected from her surroundings, the fate of the party hung in uncertainty.
Report Date
23 May 2023
Primary Location


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