Lenora Character in Kadmeian Mysteries | World Anvil
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Lenora says she was born in the Underworld and spend decades enamored with Hades. She attended to and brought solace to souls that wanted to return to the world of the living, hoping Hades would value her efforts to keep things in balance and grow to appreciate her dedication to keeping the dead where they belonged. When repeated attempts to impress him and be taken as his mistress proved to be ineffective, she seduced the ferryman Charon and snuck out of the Underworld in search for a new life in the realm she heard so much about from the souls of those who longed to return.   Upon arrival she made her way to the nearest graveyard and began to observe the other side of sorrow, doing her best to adjust and make sense of choices already made. Feeling wronged she searched her memory for tales of suspicious deaths and exercised her own version of keeping balance through playing tricks and whispering eerie omens into the ears of alleged culprits, the unfaithful, and even those she suspects could have it in them to someday hurt the one they claim to love.   Today she spends most of her time tending to a graveyard and comforting those who have been recently widowed. While she often comforts the grieving with her body, she does so discreetly and views it as an effort to heal both the pain of her unrequited love and that of the mourner. Since leaving the Underworld she has yet to establish relationships that are not transactional. Recently she has started to wander further from the graveyard more frequently, hoping she can make a friend and find someone she can confide in for a change. She befriended the owner of a brothel in Ormos, and there, began to meet some men of means. One of these men was Spyridon, and through him, she came to know of Pyro. One day, when Spyridon seemed to disappear after trysting with Lenora at the brothel, she went to search for Pyro, who, she had been told, came to town with his master. And with these events, our story begins...   Lenora is slender, with pale skin and dark hair.
Immortal, she says
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very pale
5 feet 6 inches
130 lbs.


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