Nymph Species in Kadmeian Mysteries | World Anvil
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Nymphs are divine beings, related to gods and Titans. Unlike the latter, they are typically tied to particular locales - rivers, glens, mountain peaks, and so on. Like the latter, they are practically immortal, though in reality, some nymphs, especially those connected to the land, age very slowly. They are descended from several progenitors, most notably Zeus, the Titan Okeanos, Gaia, and other gods or Titans.   Nymphs are female (the word is identical to the Kadmeian word for 'bride'), and while some types of nymphs have male counterparts (see satyrs and tritons, below), they consider themselves (and are considered by others) to be distinct beings. and tend to live separately from them. Despite this, nymphs are capable of producing offspring with satyrs or tritons, as well as with gods and humans. In appearance, they display the features young women at the peak of their allure, and for this reason, they are sought out both by the most powerful of mortals, as well as gods. Beyond that, their appearance varies in accordance with their species (qv. nymph subtypes).   Nymphs are usually tied to a particular place (tree, mountain peak, grotto, etc.), and would die if their locale ceased to exist. Because of this identification, and because their full powers can only manifest in their locale, few nymphs would choose to leave them. This bond to a particular locale makes most nymphs quite shy vis-a-vis outsiders. Nevertheless, such circumstances do occasionally arise. Some nymphs are drawn into the service of various gods without completely undergoing a change in their nature. The most prominent example of this are the maenads - nymphs who join the orgiastic processions of Dionysus' followers without ceasing to be nereids, oreads, or dryads. Additionally, some nymphs can change their nature or locale. Naiads whose stream became dammed or dried up were able to find new ones in other countries. Some oreads became nephelai, land nymphs became lampads, and so on. Nymphs who married mortals can sometimes bind their essence anew- to a particular family, clan, or even kingdom without entirely losing their old nature. And some offspring of nymphs exist partly in both worlds - divine and human, and retain a semblance of their mother's features (even though their lifespan becomes drastically shorter). These are the sorts nymphs that adopt (perhaps temporarily) an itinerant lifestyle (though if possible, most dream of returning to their old haunts, or at least establishing new ones).
Ability score increase: CHA +1   Age: Practically ageless (except half-mortal children of nymphs)   Size: M   Movement: 30 feet/round (but qv. subtypes)   Divine ancestry: nymphs make INT, WIS and CHA saves against magical effects with advantage   Beguiling: all nymphs can cast the Friends cantrip   Languages: as divine creatures, nymphs can speak the language of the gods ('Celestial')
Genetic Descendants


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