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Thraedra Tribe (Thray-ˈEd-Rah)

From the Travel Journal of Barran Forefire

We have spent two days with the Desert Lizardfolk tribe that Lashrev, our guide, belongs to. The name of the tribe, Thraedra, means "Spirit." They have graciously shared what little food and water they have, and have even taught us how to gather both in this vast wasteland.   I feel I have learned quite a bit about our companions and their way of life. They are singularly adapted to live in the Maba'ji Wastes, both biologically and in their habits and traditions. Their systems can go very long without food or water, much longer than anyone in our party can. And they have adapted to almost a crepuscular way of life, doing all of the heavy work around dawn or dusk, sleeping during the day in their white fabric tents that reflect the light. In the nighttime, they do jobs around their camp, trying not to exert too much energy. At night, too, they gather the dew that falls with innovative portable collectors for water.   The Thraedra have a surprisingly varied diet, and an incredibly fresh one, as well. They generally have one big meal rather than small ones throughout the day. This meal consists of whatever has been caught or gathered around their campsite. Leaves, tubers, small animals and birds all combine for the night meal. They are also fond of candy and the children often pester new visitors to see if they have any to give.   My guide says the Thraedra call this place
"Jhelricov" which means "Struggle," and it is a harsh land to live in. My companions and I are languishing from heat and too little water, to the obvious scorn of several tribespeople. Here there is no compassion for the sick or the elderly. Like all Lizardfolk, they are emotionless and logical. Those who cannot survive on their own, do not. They speak amongst themselves in Draconic, but do know some broken Common as well. It is clear that they don't interact much with the outside world, except to guide strangers through the Waste and then spend the gold coins on spices, cloth, and such. However, their emotionless, logical bent helps them in other ways. They are something of a meritocracy, letting those who are best at a job do it, whether male or female, elder or youngling. On the other hand they do not worship any deities. They acknowledge the existence of the gods, but feel no need to thank them for what the tribe has done by themselves.   There are few rituals and superstitions among them, naturally. There is a coming of age ritual, which they call Kotrond Shulora, to prove one's fitness to take on adult roles, which we were privileged to witness, but that is about it. They do not celebrate feast days, nor the day of one's birth, or even a day of rest. If you are tired, they tell me, you take a nap.   There is some arts appreciation in the tribe. There is much use of clays to decorate the face and body among the junior members. White and black are preferred, but brown and grey
Shield Placeholder by Nightflyer0ne
will do as well. These designs form intricate patterns and are quite the expression of art, although they tell me it is just for camouflage and sun reflection. There is also some wood carving and grass weaving that is done. Each tribe also has a design to represent them. You will find it drawn in many places.   The Thraedra try not to take too much from the harsh land around them. They know they may kill off the very food they rely on. Every three days, the camp packs up and moves to another site. Even then, the tribe may grow too large for the land to sustain them for 3 days. Then, they simply split into two tribes. This particular tribe used to be part of the Sislikur ("Courage"). I asked what the people were called as a whole, and Lashrev just shrugged. "Does it matter?" he asked. I suppose it doesn't.


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