Laotatek Confederation (Lay-ˈOh-Tah-Tek)
The Laotatek Confederation is a relatively new development among the Desert Lizardfolk of the Maba'ji Wastes. A group of tribes has decided that the tribal peoples as a whole need someone to speak for them. "Laotatek" means "people" in their dialect of Draconic. They have banded together in an attempt to organize their people.
The Laotatek say their goal is freedom to continue their way of life, without overlords, within the boundaries of Jhelricov, or the Maba'ji Wastes. Consisting of 10 tribes of a dozen or so each, they have quite a bit of sway with the scattered individual tribes, which some estimate as about 50 separate tribal units. But in order to be effective and be honored as the mouthpiece for the Laotatek, they need a majority support at the minimum, and a full consensus at best.
Several tribes are already in favor of it, such as the Tharhtark, Tathrash, Althuand, and Geshyr. Others, like the Bira, Tragroch, Girtesh, and Vetrynd, are undecided, with their people split as to whether to join or not. Some tribes, most notably the Darhtuch,
Oski, Jhichi, Sislikur and Thraedra, do not even reject the confederation, but pay it no mind, as it does not put food on the table.
One drawback to this proposed arrangement is that the more organized the peoples of the Wastes become, the more that King Arka'an will take notice of them, and possibly consider them a threat. In the past, the Laotatek were left to do as they please, with the king not even bothering to try to tax them. But an organized group is another thing entirely. He may feel that he has to do something, although in reality, his soldiers could stumble around the wastes and die of thirst never having even seen a Lizardfolk.
Jhelricov Na Laotatek
Founding Date
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
Confederacy of the People
Government System
Official Languages