West Agdanger Geographic Location in kablán | World Anvil
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West Agdanger

You find yourself standing on a hill. From horizon to horizon you se cultivated land. Vast farm fields and enormous herds of livestock populating the famous pastures of the western island of Agdanger.   Its been over 10000 years since the islanders first settled here; and the islands main and only city, Oddal, is renowned for is array of ancient buildings and family dynasties. Gleaming around on this Hilltop where you find yourself, you can see this city located on the dead center if West Agdanger. Every house gleaming of masterfull artistry trough fine lain stone walls topped by wooden walls. Even the street seems to be made by master masons.   Behind the horizon you can make out what you believe to be the other islands.


The island is covered in mostly pastured meadows and farm plots, with an occasional forest here and there. Its a soft rolling landscape with easy hills and mostly flat terrain.

Fauna & Flora

There is no longer any natural fauna. Herd animals like sheep, cattle and other domesticated animals are the only remaining fauna remaining.   The trees are mainly birch, pine and oak, with an occasional willow and hazel every now and then.   Bush plants are raspberry bushes and blueberry bushes mostly and all of them are wild sprouts from originally farm plants.   Looking at the small plants one finds wild sprouts of farm crops, like carrots and potatoes growing randomly in the wild.

Natural Resources

Natural resources are unusually nutrient rich soil and mineral rich groundwater springs.
Island, Floating
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