Oddal Settlement in kablán | World Anvil
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At the center of the farm island, West Agdanger, the old wizards of the mainlands managed to make a portal gate to the mainlands. Around this portal a settlement grew to support the trade from across the island. As the settlement grew it was eventually named Oddal (meaning hill town in Agdangerish) for its settlement on the highest point of the entire island.   Today the portal is replaced with a huge landing pad for zeppelins.


Looking at one average Oddalander in front of you the first two words that come to your mind is “stout” and “stubborn”. They are mostly densely built with stubby arms and legs they resemble tall dwarfs.




The defense of Oddal is massive even tho the entire island is the same nation, making the only way to invade the city from air.   Large ballistas capable of sinking even the largest zeppelins with ease. Enormous trebuchets loaded with explosive pellets, capable of raining death from afar. Enormous zeppeliners

Industry & Trade

There is 6 big trade guilds that control their own district and specializing int the arts of metal, stone working, woodworking, magic crafts, tinkering and farming, they trade themselves in between and help each others if needed.


The main infrastructure of the town is the wast water and sewage systems. Renowned for the ability to transport fresh water from the groundwater springs below up to the homes; and the sewage out into the fields in the way of manure.


There is mainly 6 districts of trade in the city placed conveniently around the main castle. The districts in order are: the farmers district, the metalworkers district, the masons district, the tinkers district, the lumber mill district and the magicians district. Most of the stores are heavily regulated by the guilds controlling the districts and placing shops similarly to how countries place embassies in other countries.

Guilds and Factions

There is 6 guilds of trade. The metal guild, the carpenters guild, the masons guild, the magistry guild, the farmers guild and the tinkers guild.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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