Our Father Report in Kōryō | World Anvil
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Our Father

General Summary

Engaging the Foundry-kin that barred the way forward, the group was able to bring down the Second and Fourth sons, though the Third son was able to escape. They took a few minutes to rest before pushing ahead and finding themselves on the threshold to the Foundry's core.   Entering Kagutsuchi's lair, they finally came face to face with the Infernal Blacksmith himself. After an emotionally charged conversation with his father Izanagi, and an unsuccessful attempt to turn his son Benkei against his comrades, Kagutsuchi engaged the group in battle and after a hard-fought battle, the first Demon Lord of Yomi lay dead before them, though both Conradus and Benkei also suffered "death" before the Kami was slain, with Benkei once again losing an eye. Genji looted Kagutsuchi's corpse and discovered a clumsily constructed pendant made of pearl and shell; the same one that Izanagi had given his wife before their great tragedy. However, the pendant appeared to have been broken in half, the missing portion nowhere to be found. Thinking it might be part of Izanami's demonic amulet, Genji handed it to Iho  to investigate for any arcane traps or markings. Taking the fragmented amulet, Iho began to examine it before suddenly teleporting away smirking at Conradus as she did, leaving the group alone and without their prize.
Before the Fall
Conradus Stonero
Level 19 Scourge Aasimar Lawful Good Paladin, Oath of the Crown
(Faction Agent)
275 / 275 HP
Musashibo Benkei
Level 14 Warforged Warlock of the Celestial
(City Watch)
312 / 126 HP
Yukimura Sanada
Level 119 Human True Neutral Fighter
150 / 150 HP
Report Date
18 Apr 2021


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