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Just another nameless country


The motivation behind building Just another nameless country

I'm here to know every relevant detail about this nameless country, and the people, magic and places that are relevant for Obliviously Evil, and to finally explore the fictional world where the Untitled Novel in Progress takes place.

The goal of the project

  • The knowledge I need for the revisions of Obliviously Evil.
  • The inspiration to write a new related story.

Just another nameless country's Unique Selling point

The contrasts between elements that shouldn't belong together. But they do... or so I like to think.



Urban fantasy

Reader Experience

The world is bright and simple. In the surface. There is all kind of surprises if you pay attention. They are not even hiding it.

Reader Tone

The tone is deceitfully light. Even when terrible things happen here and there, the world itself is quite peaceful and happy, and the big picture seems perfectly fine despite of the risk that is lurking around.

Recurring Themes

  • The dangers of reckless use of abilities
  • There is a reason for rules
  • Everyone and everything has layers

Character Agency

The world is what it is. Most characters can't change the world but they have control on their own life, and that affects the world to certain degree.   The exception seems to be Fred, who will hold a lot of power over the wizards someday, but currently has no control over his own life.


  • Character dynamics
  • Magic, creativity and superpowers
  • The Two Families' hierarchy
  • Personal stories of characters
  • Locations


  • There are consequences when sorcerers ignore the rules
  • There is a supervillain out of the book where he belongs (which is not an issue, because he's not real, right?)
  • People is selfish and difficult to understand, but we are social creatures
  • Time is never enough
  • Somewhere in a fictional world, a superheroes' story is about to begin