The Linnessian Expeditionary Force Military Formation in Jeslore | World Anvil
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The Linnessian Expeditionary Force



The Linnessian Expeditionary Force generally has around 32.000 members ready for deployment at any time. But only 1/3 of these have horses readily available for use.


Throughout history, the Linnessian expeditionary force has always been a fairly light armored unit, relying on the bulk of their mount and speed to overwhelm defending forces. As guns became more common, the generic plate armor used by footsoldiers and knights among the Linnessian army was replaced with bright red shirts, black pants, brown boots, and very distinct riding caps. This was to make sure that members of the expeditionary force (Also sometimes simply called "the cavalry") were fully recognizable at all times. It was a sharp look meant to strike fear into enemies and hope in allies. On top of their striking uniform, most members of the Linnessian Expeditionary Force carry medical equipment. As time went on and they began to fill the role of a rescue unit/preserve warden they began carrying handcuffs to arrest poachers and strong liquor to help someone stuck in colder regions. They also became equipped with several tools meant for monitoring the health of local wildlife such as binoculars, beacons, and swabs.


The Linnessian Expeditionary force has always used weapons that are convenient for use from the back of a horse. In older times they used crossbows and pikes and later they began to use rifles. They very consistently show a bias to weapons that are slow but hit hard such as shotguns, sniper rifles, and carbines. They are also equipped with pistols should they find themselves dismounted or out of ammo for their primary weapon and a sword to finish off injured or confused enemies.


Traditionaly, members of the Linnessian Expeditionary Force have always used horses for transport. In earlier stages this was because horses were simply the most common means of transport and leader this was done because vehicles emit a trackable signal, whereas horses don't.


Members of the Linnessian Cavalry have witnessed a transition from a military unit to a more auxiliary police force. At first, they were part of the standard military chain of command but as they were moved to a more law enforcement-centric force they were given a chain of command of their own. They operate from lodges where a corporal and a radio operator are stationed. They give orders to the field units that can size from 5 cavalry members to a lone unit. Lodges tend to command around 20-30 units.


The most common line of play, like with any cavalry is to make a straight charge for unsuspecting enemies. They tend to be part of a 2 sided approach with ground units attacking enemies from one side to draw attention away from the approaching cavalry units. When they enter a certain range, melee units will retreat as to not get hit by the destructive cavalry charge. This really did not change much after the transition to law enforcement. Here their strategy is still to make a straight line to their target who are likely distracted by whatever crime they are committing on their watch.
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Assumed Veterancy
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