Life's Death Myth in Jerde | World Anvil
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Life's Death

A myth from Bazilia about a forgotten deity. Some believe that an illustration of this myth is carved on the walls of the Temple of the First Imaginer
Long ago, there were four beings. First came Light and Dark, brother and sister, with a bond that had never been seen and will never be seen again. They were followed by Life and Death, whose bond was even closer, but not of the same nature.   The four spread out across the world. Light became known as Love, and her brother as War, while Life and Death took various names. As years passed, Love and War grew separate, although their bond was still strong. Life and Death, however, only grew closer. Eventually, they had a child together, a weak and sickly boy who aged like everyone else.   Before their son was old, Life and Death's romance faded. They still loved each other, but their relationship was one of friendship, nothing more. Many years later, Death would later reminisce that he was the best suited to her personality, that he was the only one who knew her well enough to truly love her.   Then one day, hundreds of years after they first came into being, Life went to see Death. "What is it?" she asked when she let him in.   "I have discovered something," Life replied. He then told her that he had been getting weaker and wearier. He was going to die. "It makes sense," he said sadly. "Light, Darkness, and Death are eternal. They cannot end, grow old, or die. But Life does. It may take years, but it always comes to a close."   Death was concerned, but she understood. She showed him out and then set to readying a room for her oldest friend. She knew he would not stay long, but she hoped he would linger for a short while.   It was a cold and sharp autumn day many years later when Death felt a disturbance. She rose and departed her home, appearing in a forest. Life crouched in front of her, his hair white and his body old. He looked up at her and smiled. "Hello, my love," he said. "It is time."   Death nodded and reached out to him. He slowly collapsed, and Death carried his body with her to her home. When she finished burying him, she reached out to his spirit, only to find that he had passed on already. She closed her eyes, and whispered a prayer for him, then turned and entered her house.   The next time someone saw Death, her face was covered by a smooth white skull mask. Life's death had changed her, and to this day she has no mercy. All are taken by Death, even Life. No one ever escapes her.

Cover image: by Lilliana Casper


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