Clustas Ra Character in Jennara | World Anvil

Clustas Ra

Clustas Ra was a result of an experiment of two Sea Hags. The Dread Morgan Mudwallow and her sister Scallopula Mudwallow. The stealing of the sperm of aquatic elves and placing on the eggs of a Crustasha female. Only one of these children survived the right of passage.   Clustas Ra has lived longer than any other Crustasha 50 years Ten times the normal lifespan and still climbing. As such Clustas Ra is a soothsayer who clicks the time before time and is a force for organization of the Crustasha.   The Crustasha have been given the gift of memory and therefore a force for organization beyond the wall. Clustas became the Chieftain of all who dwell in The Wrackshore .  The Crustasha beyond the walls of Portsmouth are a breeding larger threat as a result of Clustas Ra. Not only can they think but now they remember.
Ruled Locations