{3,4} Irgoza Desert Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{3,4} Irgoza Desert

Lore Summary:

The Irgoza Desert is a half barren desert and half grassy steppe. Deep within the desert is a fountain, protected with illusionary magic, under which is an entrance to an old Dwarven civilization known as the City of Vorrhia. The dwarves are gone, apparently destroyed in an ancient war with Illithids. Sentient constructs, apparently originally created by the Illitids, still inhabit the area and have struck a peace with Jaytown, who often help them fight back against their creators. Despite constant threats from a Nightwalker, Illithids and Elementals the constructs, led by "Overseer" maintain a mining operation.
  The Overseer requested the help of Jaytowners to search the area east of the {4,4} The Great Steppe and make a report about Goblinoid looking hostile patrols in addition to these other threats. With the help of a blind old man, they rescued a "native to the Pangea" goblin and a turquoise stone necklace that eventually lead to the discovery of the Infinite Staircase.
  Outside the city in the desert is a hidden temple created by a demonic cult that contains a teleportation circle to {1,2} Ancient Forest and the Plane of Fire.  

Story Hooks:

  • A nightwalker and Illithids still threaten the city (DM consult Laurence)
Environment: Desert
  Landmarks: Illusionary Fountain, Underground Cavern System
  NPCs: None
Status: Explored
Difficulty: Treacherous
Uncovered By: Laurence (DM), Lael, Nera, Ward, Yoldallo


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