Chronicles of the Realm Walkers: Session 4 Report in Ithica | World Anvil

Chronicles of the Realm Walkers: Session 4

General Summary

The Realm Walkers returned to Snowbright and their home, the House of the Realms. Ranrus reached out to Elanor Lind to make sure she was ok after the twins disconcerting interaction with Kynta. She expressed her distrust of the sending spell and told them to go to Dark Mound and use her coin if they wanted to tell her anything. Rhy went to set up the Door of Thoughts in her meditation chamber. Rhy succeeded in connecting the door with Coraloon and the door opened in a black stone courtyard. The party went through and soon reached out to Chalaina who appeared before them excited about their successful creation of the door. She spoke with them about a lot including letting them know they were in Luna, a city on Coraloon, she also expressed how the city was a city because they perceived a city and implied and eventually showed her ability to somehow ignore normal rules of space. She brought Izret to the party apologizing to Lee for getting distracted from bringing him back before. She left after acknowledging she'd been watching not just the twins but also Theren and Ranrus. Izret had apparently been cagey about Kynta since arriving in Coraloon and as the twins discussed their own revelations, Izret explained he did not die, just of old age, but that Kynta's ghost had entered his dream and killed him in his sleep. He warned the party to be careful but mentioned that with a cleric maybe they could kill Kynta for good. He was also surprised to here Oddi, the necromancer whom was famous among those with interest but was ancient history even when Izret was adventuring, was now a lich. He explained Oddi was arguably the most famous necromancer on Nowch aside from maybe Krata's ancient Necromancer King. A fact that surprised most of the party. He didn't know the kings name but thought someone had mention it being in Bolo's J&J V:II. He was surprised to see Rhy with what appeared to be the cover of a third volume but noted it seemed to lack pages. When it came to Master Minta he warned them to not take him lightly as he was a very proficient planeshifter when Izret knew him and had been a Moonfolk warrior and adventurer before taking his position as leader of the The Church of Change. He told the party if they wanted to hastened Minta's return to Coraloon that they need not worry about torturing him and should stay focused on quickly killing him. Izret would handle punishing Minta. He requested the party, if they could, retrieve his sword before killing Master Minta, as he would feel more comfortable using it to deal with Minta. He also made clear the extreme commitment to Spearadear Chalaina had, noting she could of returned from Coraloon and revealed Master Minta's betrayal. But she accepted her place having been returned to Spearadear. Ranrus expressed two concerns one that Master Minta could just leave again, to which Izret assured he would prevent that. The other being the way Chalaina spoke of Ranrus, wondering if there was something special about him in particular. While Izret didn't think it was the case, he read Ranrus's belief, and warned him not to let Chalaina know that it was so important to him, as if she knew she would likely sough chaos and avoid telling Ranrus anything. To support this Izret revealed the nature of how he tried to avoid flirting with a queen only to have her choose the chaotic path of pursuing him instead.
  The party returned to the mansion and found Anthony. Hiding Theren's presence, the Realm Walkers asked him to return the construct to Ogden. Anthony used a sending stone to reach out to Alison and had her bring him and the construct back to the Itharia at The World Mirror. He told the party that Me had taken to calling themselves "Mutta" recently. The party found them in the library reading two books and floating about aimlessly. It was hard to draw their attention but with the mention of a book to read and a necromancer kings name to find, they were instantly engaged. "Mutta" didn't know where they found the name but like many things, they had excepted they didn't know why they knew things. So far as Mutta could tell they could read any language (having not come across a single language they couldn't). Mutta caught the party up explaining they had gone through 78 and a half names and read every book in the library four times. They started into Bolo's V:I & II immediately, though it was slow, even for one who seemed to know every language. The party decided to take some time get back in the swing of things. They decide to enter the Gladiatorial Series.
  They put out an open challenge and they received many responses. Ohpa let them know he was being pushed to challenge them to a 1 v 4 match, Phoenix Arcania House fire bolted their home, and a member of Eternal Damnation House snuck in to deliver a dark and threatening letter. On the 15th Illia Ellia arrived with the councils official presentation of possible fights. After much discussion the party decide to two fights, one with a party from Eternal Damnation House and one led by Thinabelle Phoenix-Vein and some newer members of Phoenix Arcania House. The first of these matches would take place on the 17th, the second of which would take place before the champion match on the 20th. The party spent the time of that week on downtime and self care. Lee looked for Stay only to find she was now leading a cult as Lady Stay, Lady of the Sea, worshiping Grestien, according to a ginger Gnomeish woman named Cara. Rhy looked into the whereabouts of Oula an Auna who had left recently to hunt the "white beast" and some expected to return soon. Folx were surprised the twins hadn't just waited for the Grand Hunt , a celebration happening in just a little over a week.
  Date: 12th to 15th of Disiga, 1437 DC
Report Date
13 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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