Chroncles of the Realm Walkers: Session 6 Report in Ithica | World Anvil

Chroncles of the Realm Walkers: Session 6

General Summary

The party left the Arena, invited to drinks by the Drow Ezmerelda Duskhall. She and the party went to the The Betting Poole where their drinks were paid for by those who had made quite the killing betting of the Realm Walkers. The party collected their winnings, Ranrus receiving his in Vecna minted platinum pieces. Ranrus sat at the bar near the betting cage lost in thought, rethinking how to deal with his massive influx of Vecna minted coins. The others sat together for drinks with Ezmerelda. An hour into their drink Lee spotted William Strahd enter. He coaxed Theren to approach and with some aid from another patron had Theren start up a conversation. William was in no way bothered by Theren leaving suddenly and the two began to catch up. Later on Oula and Auna arrived. Auna who seemed to be trying to avoid the group, was dragged along by Oula when Rhy waved to them. Catching up Oula was full of energy, but Auna was quite and closed off. Lee noticed she was wearing a a marriage band and began to subtly inquire. Oula went on to tell those at the table how Auna and she had started working a fair bit with a group of adventurers/mercenaries who are hired regularly by a client of theirs in Dark Mound. Eventualy it became clear the leader of the group, "Ysir", a supposed descendant of Kynta, was the man associated with the marriage band. Rhy left abruptly to head to the bar and Auna attempted to leave slapping her sister across the face before Lee stopped her. The two had a heated discussion but it at least concluded with Auna's intent to talk with Rhy and that they were still friends. She left, taking her sisters sword. Oula was totally cut off and quite.
  Rhy approaching the bar ordered a drink and Theren approached her. Theren with limited context asked why she wasn't going after Auna and after short discussion Rhy seemed to feel a little better. Both returning to their previous conversations. Lee filled in Rhy's gap in knowledge of the Moonfolk marriage band; marriage and the band signify having someone you are prepared to have children with and the nature that one could have many marriage bands. Oula hearing this realized how little Rhy new for the context of the situation and apologized profusely. She soon after left looking for her sister.
  Ranrus was approached by a tall skinny masculine Drow with long stringy white hair with many balding areas. He was dressing long black robes a tattered white shirt and wore chain with something hanging from his under his shirt. He called Ranrus brother and revealed a Vecna minted platinum piece.
  The party left over time, William staying with Theren at the House of the Realm. In the morning he had an in interesting encounter with Bit'tun who just wandered through the wall. He also got cornered by Mutta who pestered him with questions about plants.
  The party set about investigating their opponents before the 20th finally arrived. It was well strategized fight with the party taking advantage of various potions to reduce the damage of their opponents. Thinabelle, to her detriment, was hyper focused on delivering her fury in order and as such gave up great opportunities to hinder both Rhy and Ranrus. Her team was weak and inexperienced and likely intentional, but even with receiving some sort of Phoenix rebirth like aid she could not defeat the Realm Walkers, essentially on her own and her weak teammates were easily controlled and picked off.
  Date: 17th to 20th of Disiga, 1437 DC
Report Date
28 Apr 2021
Secondary Location


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