FB05: Desert Encounters in Iskatel: Fortunebound | World Anvil

FB05: Desert Encounters

Search Encounters

  Whenever characters choose to search a hex area that is not labeled (Dry Oasis, Dead City, Blue Dragon, or Monastery), roll on the table below to determine what is found. Run each encounter only once. If the same encounter is rolled a second time, the characters find nothing.  
1d20 Encounter
1-2 A Dust Devil has wandered far away from the lair of the Blue Dragon and comes upon the characters. It attacks as a force of nature.
3-4 The characters come upon a small herd of wild goats, perched among the red-stone spires of the desert. There are approximately 12 goats. Killing one can provide food for 2-3 days before the meat goes bad.
5-8 An ancient stone obelisk is found half-buried in the sand. It is decorated with writing in a long-forgotten language. This encounter can be used to reveal lore, tie in to a storyline or future scenario, or left as a simple discovery of an untranslatable block of ancient text.
9-12 Nothing of interest is found.
13-16 Several (3) skeletons lie face-down, half-covered by the sand. They wear slowly disintegrating boots, clothes, and leather armor. One has rusted-metal pauldrons on its shoulders. All have packs on their backs (all contents are too far deteriorated or broken to be useful) and are armed with now uselessly rusted weapons (1 longsword, 1 spear, and 1 mace).
17-18 Hidden among the rocks and mesas of the desert is a small camp of ramshackle tents and lean-tos. This hidden bandit camp is occupied by 9 Bandits and 1 Bandit Captain. Further, there is a collection of treasure kept within a wooden chest in one of the tents: 84gp, 170sp, 3 small rubies, 2 small sapphires, and 2 small emeralds - all worth 50gp each. The bandits are not bloodthirsty, but are interested in keeping their hide-out unknown to the wider world. It is possible to convince them to trade food and water to the characters for treasure, but they are unwilling to trade other supplies.
19-20 The characters come upon a lair of 4 giant spiders. These spiders have burrowed a series of small holes in the sand where they rest. The rock-spires nearby have been woven with a maze of webs to catch potential prey.

Short Rest Random Encounters

  Whenever characters choose to take a short rest, roll on the table below to determine if any encounters occur. Run each encounter only once. If the same encounter is rolled a second time, the characters have an uneventful short rest. Encounters take place before the characters can benefit from a short rest, but do not cancel or interrupt the rest. The characters will receive the full benefit of their short rest after the encounter has ended.  
1d20 Encounter
1-2 A pack of hungry, roving hyenas come upon the characters. There are 20 of them.
3-4 The characters find a shallow, high-ceilinged cave in the red rocks. A perfect place to rest. When they enter, they find an old circle of stones for a fire, showing that they are not the first to have found this cave. A primitive map drawn on the cave wall in chalk marks several areas on the island. While the map is imprecise, it can identify each labeled area (Dry Oasis, Dead City, Blue Dragon, and Monastery) to within the hex containing it or any of the hexes adjacent. Dry Oasis is labeled as 'water after rain', Dead City is labeled as 'ruins', Blue Dragon is labeled as 'dragon', and Monastery is labeled as 'water'.
5-16 The short rest is uneventful.
17-18 The characters rest in an area heavily infested by spiders. They are attacked by 4 swarms of spiders.
19-20 Far off in the distance, toward the hex marked Blue Dragon, the characters spot what looks like a giant flying beast (the blue dragon). It does not seem to notice them, but is circling over an area far away as if it is hunting.

Long Rest Random Encounters

  The adventuring party must take a long rest anytime their Exploration Points have been reduced to zero. The long rest replenishes them to full.   The first time the PCs decide to take a long rest, run the Orc Raiders encounter. On subsequent long rests, roll twice on the table below (once for late evening and once for early morning) to determine if any encounters occur. Run each encounter only once. If the same encounter is rolled a second time, the characters have an uneventful long rest. Encounters take place before the characters can benefit from a long rest, but do not cancel or interrupt the rest. The characters will receive the full benefit of their long rest after the encounter has ended.  
1d20 Encounter
1-2 The character(s) on watch hear the sound of heavy, beating wings as an almost supernatural sense of dread fills their heart. Soon, the shadow of a massive blue dragon passes not more than 50 ft. overhead as it descends upon a small herd of wild goats perched on a nearby rock spire and, clutching two of them in its claws, flies off to the south.
3-4 A small pack of 3 death dogs come upon the camp and attack, eager for the taste of humanoid flesh.
5-16 Nothing happens
17-18 The characters have inadvertently camped in an area swarming with insects. They are beset by 5 swarms of centipedes.
19-20 The characters are attacked by a mass of 15 bloodthirsty stirges.


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