Sand Clan Ethnicity in Isidoro | World Anvil
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Sand Clan

The Clans of the Splintered Light of Twilight


Bloodkeepers that live within arid and dry regions have the moniker of both Sand Clan and Desert bloodkeeper. The two are often used interchangeably; most beings who aren't well versed in their culture, or using slang will simply refer to them as Desert bloodkeepers.   The name 'Sand Clan' is the closest Common translation of what the Clan calls themselves, some bloodkeepers say that it's far more eloquent in their own language than its translation. The direct translation with corrected Common syntax is along the lines of <<The Clans of the Splintered Light of Twilight>>.    


Sand Clan bloodkeepers are adept at fire Elemental Magic while suffering reduced aptitude for direct opposing magic, such as ice. They can learn the other Clans' specialties and other elemental magic but require training and magical aid. It isn't strange to see them wearing jewelry or items to help them with other types of magic.   It is believed in their culture that all creatures have Mana within them, and drinking some of a beings blood gives them a bit of the target's magic ability. It is not bizarre for Bloodkeepers to consume a drop of blood from respected peers in an attempt to have some of their innate skill in magic.  

Bloodkeeper Magic Affinity



Major language groups and dialects

All bloodkeepers speak a similar subset of Demonic; one that is full of guttural growls and snarls. Sand Clan members emote especially with their ears, more-so than other clans of bloodkeepers. This is incredibly obvious due to the large size of their ears. The same sentence can have multiple meanings depending on ear position, though this can be said of nearly all bloodkeepers.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Esteemed Ones

Desert Bloodkeeper Leader

An important rank among bloodkeepers of all Clans, the Esteemed One is a rank in which a single bloodkeeper is viewed as the leader of their respective Clan. This event doesn't occur very often, and the rules rarely change.   Typically Sand Clan Esteemed Ones are decided on by a community vote. If they show the drive to put others of their kind above themselves consistently then they are considered to be in the running.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals


Markings are an important cultural symbol to bloodkeepers, as it allows other tribes to know family relations at a glance. To obtain these markings, bloodkeepers's fur is stained with heavy dye, which is re-applied every year in a celebration of their birth. Each community displays the marking in a different area.  

Sand Clan

Desert Bloodkeepers put their markings along their ears, which are important during communication and often uncovered. Since they often wear simple, flowing clothes to avoid overheating, they often cover their arms and some of their faces; ears were the simplest part of the body to mark. This means the markings are front and center in a desert bloodkeeper, and family ties are visible at a glance.   While their ears are larger than Tundra or Forest bloodkeepers, they still have a small canvas and as a result most Sand Clan markings are simple, and typically spread to the widest part of the ear; the tips of ears are often used to differentiate family markings that are visually similar otherwise. Plenty of dots and simple lines are used in them.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Birthday Celebrations


Blood Drinking

  Desert bloodkeepers, while still concerned about the lightness of their fur, are not as restricted as their Tundra brothers and sisters. However, they still consume less than Leaf Clan bloodkeepers, preferring to take a single sip of blood than a full goblet. This restrained manner helps them keep their fur lighter for longer, and if a bloodkeeper so chooses they can drink less.  

Family Marking Application and Renewal

  When a bloodkeeper is first born, as well as every birthday after, the familial marking on the bloodkeeper's body is renewed with a combination of berry dye and other dark liquids; the combination varies Clan to Clan.   The marking will be the same as their father if they are male, and the same as their mother if female though there are circumstances where this may be changed. The mark will be applied by The Esteemed One or a different member of the community if the individual being celebrated requests so.
Known Territories
Alkast, Erbar, Laeksiv Piray
Desert Bloodkeeper, Sand Clan, Sand Tribe, Sandy/Sandies
Related Items

Sand Clan Drink


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