Faris Organization in Isera | World Anvil
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The nation of Faris contains much of the remnants of the Calian empire, both in landmass as well as tradition. Built upon the values of efficiency and military prowess, Faris remains a force to be reckoned with. Faris has been at war with the remaining fragments of the old empire for most of its history, but for the last 30 years it has had an active armistice with Rydia. Following the armistice with Rydia, Faris was freed up to focus its resources on its long standing war with Acherene, soon invading Respar and taking the kingdom over. They instilled a viceroy to direct the country in the favor of Faris, and left much of their governing to themselves. This was fully in line with how Faris had inducted the Orc bands of Barra into the kingdom, and how the Calian empire had inducted the dwarves of Berygg before them.   The Dwarves of Berygg were given full power over their mountain pass and the mountains between Faris and Rydia, and in turn the dwarves supplied Faris with steel, arms and armor. They also served as an effective shield between Faris and the Badlands, insulating them from the worst of the raids.   Despite the protection of the dwarves, the Giants have broken through regularly since the formation of the kingdom, often with disastrous consequences.   Karak Varn, the last Capitol of the Thanes lies within the borders of Faris, in the Terga Draconis, and is considered an independent city state. Much debate exists over the extent of control that Faris exerts over Karak Varn, but the terms of their coexistence are vague.


The monarch of Faris, in this case Tamber Lockheart, is traditionally in the position of greatest power This position is elective, voted upon by the five lords of the previous king as their final act of service. Under the monarch then is a second selected by the king, also called a treasured council. Under the second are five noble lords, each in control of their respective field and selected by the second. The lords selected are Military Lord, Naval Lord, Merchant Lord, Civil Lord and Agricultural Lord. To them in turn answer a collection of nobles, who have increasingly specialized tasks.

Demography and Population

The majority of the population are human, although Faris also supports large populations of dwarves, orcs and goblins.


The area of Farisian control extends for around half of the continent. Wyford , Berygg and the Acherine peninsula all fall under Faris reign, and in the past, they have claimed control over much of The Agari Jungle, although they've since learnt their lesson about that.


It is not by luck or coincidence that Faris controls a bulk of the continent. Their military is the largest in the region, and they hold almost total supremacy on both land and sea. Their best known armies are the Bridgeburners, a legendary collection of professional soldiers who have survived countless wars and skirmishes, and the Grey Wolves, a naval unit best known for their undying loyalty to their captain, Krukava of the Iron Fist.

Agriculture & Industry

Faris is supported financially by steel production, animal husbandry and woodcutting. The dwarves of the Berygg produce most of the steel in the continent, and their smiths are legendary and very sought after.

Trade & Transport

The Farisian fleet is feared and respected throughout Isera and beyond. Their ships are the fastest on the open sea, and they are unmatched anywhere in the known world in numbers. Much of the land travel depends on oxcarts and horses imported from Rydia.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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