Darmon Character in Isenwalt | World Anvil


Darmon (DAR-mahn) is the chaotic good god of travelers, tricksters and rogues, joy, laughter, good fortune,trade, merchants, diplomacy, messengers, jesters, scouts, rebels, and thieves. He is associated with the fox, the otter, and the kestrel—the cleverest beasts of land, water, and sky. Darmon is called “many faced” because he has always disguised himself to walk among the mortal races. Every race shows him as one of their own in icons, generally as very handsome young male with laughing eyes. He is always shown wearing golden laurels on his brow, bearing his short blade Laughter’s Sting, and wearing his cloak of the heavens.   Representational tokens for Darmon are extremely symbolic. A circle of gold, filled in, is all that is necessary to represent Darmon, and many merchants use this symbol to signify their trade. Those who wish to wear holy symbols of Darmon usually wear a large, round gold coin. When in haste, one need only paint a gold circle, though it is considered most fitting to fill it in. Since Darmon has walked among the mortal races more than any other god, and in the early days could reveal himself when he did so, he is the most universally popular of the gods. All races engage in the crafts he taught them. If there is one race most fond of Darmon, though, it is the humans, who seem to be most enamored with his ways.

Divine Domains

Travel, Wealth, and Joy
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Silver Tongue, Clever, Wily, Merry, the Traveler, of the Many Faces, the Laughing God, Master of the Road, Lord of the Ways, Champion of Agartha, the Golden Messenger.

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