Fusion Power Technology / Science in Isaac Atomic Solar System | World Anvil
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Fusion Power

Fusion power and the associated torch drives are an incredible step forward for humanity and form the backbone of many of the ships and stations that operate in the solar system. Fusion systems have been developed for D-D, D-T, D-He3, He3-He3 and H-H-H-H. These all have different minimal sizes of reactor, with proton fusion chain requiring km wide reactors applying gargantuan pressures and temeratures, while the He3-He3 and He3-D have been shrunk down to a few m across. These systems are all around 90-95% efficient when used to generate power, and proton-proton provides power to a super majority of humanity.


H-H-H-H is used extensively to provide power to people, and to power the pushing lasers that act as engines for most civilian craft.


Built only at a few facilities around the SS, they require complex nanobots, strong magnetic fields, and cryogenic equipment to construct. Some large ships can build small reactors, such as those used in shuttles, but the km scale ones require one of the four construction plants in the solar system: Luna, Deimos, Terra or Ganymede.
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Access & Availability
While the power provided is widely accessible, the reactors themselves are bulky and incredibly expensive. As such, they are only owned by corporations or states, very rarely by individuals.
Reactors are built with nano-scale construction techniques, and must be controlled by at least a HV-0.7 mind. Larger proton-proton require even larger minds for control.
D-T finally made viable in 2044, with each subsequent system being developed later, culminating in proton-proton in 2189.
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