Port Dalworth Settlement in Irrelion | World Anvil

Port Dalworth

Built on a large, sloping, seaside hill, Port Dalworth is one of the few major ports in Irrelion, It has access to the ocean and provides resources from the ocean, whether by trade or fishing, to the rest of the Estrait Kingdom. It's vast wooden docks house fishing boat and military frigate alike, as shanty houses line the beach and warehouses line the ports, the coming and going of ships is a regular occurrence, and the stench of fish hangs thick in the air as gutters from higher parts of the city carry fish guts down towards the bay.


Human (55%), Halfling (23%), Elf (13%), Dwarf (3%), Half-Elf (2%), Half-Orc (1%), Dragonborn (1%), Tiefling (1%), Tabaxi (1%), Gnome (<1%)


The city itself operates under a system of council, where each council member is tasked with ruling over a given part of the city for a month, then rotating the next, that way each council member can understand the total needs of the city, and not grow complacent or corrupt sitting in one position, making them all able to work together much better. A few taxes are placed on luxury goods coming off the ships which help keep the Citadel District maintained, but the guarantee of safe trade in Estrait Territory makes the tax often worth it. Fishing is regulated in that the town expects a cut of all fish caught to use for feeding the soldiers or starving, or for stockpiling for the Navy.


The city has few natural defenses, but is out of the way enough that it faces little threat from invading powers. It holds the Royal Estrait Fleet so it can hold off from a naval invasion, however unlikely. Roughly 300 trained guardsmen protect the city, with dozens of highly-skilled mercenaries in the Great Court district also protecting the city, alongside several hundred more active navy reserve that resides in the city as the fleet moves around.

Industry & Trade

Most of the towns industry and trade revolve around whatever comes from the ocean, from fish to whales. Taxes from traders, whether by sea or land, are generous but significant, and the fishing industry is only matched by the shipwrights of the port. Many traders have this as a final stop on a long journey, where they sell off their cart and horses, and take a boat to where they began, or as close as possible. Many traders-by-sea then buy these same carts and horses for the beginning of a journey by land.


The entire northern half of the city facing the ocean is built out of heavy stones to resist the sea-spray, while further back, houses are made of maple and teak, both quite water resistant. Large fisheries gut and scale fish for the Kingdom, and a few trade outposts sit on the southernmost part of the town. Outside of the town, salt fields exist, using traditional methods where buckets of sea-water are spread on large slabs of stone to dry in the sun, where the salt can then be scraped off.


As a port town of great age, Port Dalworth is split into many districts of varying ages serving a plethora of purposes as the city grew and advanced, from the gutters and fletchers, to the docks and ports, everything shows its age in this town of old, and each district feels like a different town in how unique they are to their purposes, both past and present.

Tailor's Brook

Comprised of many skilled tailors, this old district was born of tailors using parts of fish, particularly the more magical ones, to dye and make exotic fabrics that were unmatched the world around. Kings and Queens have worn clothing made in unassuming dilapidated shacks from this aged district.

Dalworth Citadel

Named after the original lord of the city, Monty Dalworth, this citadel acts as the central seat of the city council, and as a store of supplies and wealth. The few naval generals and officers tend to reside here to watch over the Estrait Navy. It is quite unassuming, as most of it actually resides underground, where the sea-spray can't reach the bowels of the citadel.  

Great Court

The Great Court is a small district built right onto the end of a minor section of ports. This small district is the home to some of the richest individual sea captains. The finest ships line the docks, and the finest houses sit facing the sea. Many sailors prefer the west coast of Irrelion, and Dalworth is the perfect home-port for those not allying with any government due to its size. Personal guard patrols watch the streets which are seldom walked unless one has business with a captain.  

Port Ward

This is the broader port within the city, home to a few larger Estrait Navy ships, and a large amount of smaller shipping and fishing vessels. The few houses in the district are mostly warehouses rented out by fishers and sailors for storing extra supplies, or homes of Shipwrights who repair and maintain the ships at dock.  


Named after the statue in the center of the park, the Duskbowl district is a larger residential district sitting elevated by a sea-wall with a large park in the center. Lifetimes in the past, Monty Dalworth was good friends with Tanir of the Tauberg Kingdom, and had commissioned by the Tauberg Dwarves a large statue made purely of marble. This large marble statue depicts Londelius, chiefest god of the Moon and of Nighttime. The statue depicts Londelius struggling to hold up a bowl, bent to one knee, holding it above his head, the bowl is a perfect half-sphere made to look like the moon, all craters and pocks intricately carved out. Once per year, on the night of the last day of spring, A full moon perfectly passes overhead the bowl. When this happens, through unknown and magical means, the light spreads out of the bowl, coating the park in gentle rays of moonlight, flashes of light dimly appearing and disappearing like stars in the sky. This day brings about the Festival of the Summer Moon, where many people who live by the night, whether they be hunters, thieves, or other odd folks, come to give prayer to Londelius, who they believe spreads the light himself to celebrate the beginning of the summer and the cool nights it brings.  

Ivy Grove

This small piece of forest sits right against the waterline in the city, the sea-wall broken to keep it in direct access. Unlike most other plants, these plants thrive on salty water, and have been maintained in the city as a small park and nature reserve. During high tide, almost half of the grove submerges under around a foot of water. Most notable in the grove is a plant exclusive to Port Dalworth, the Gill Ivy. Almost entire harmless to land creatures, this ivy looks much like other shallow aquatic plants, but has curves in it that harden when pulled on, and it grows in tight formations. When a fish swims through, the ivy can hook into its gills, and as the fish tries to swim, it only grips harder, leaving the fish to die in the grasp of the plants, which then feasts off of the decay. When the ivy has done particularly well, low tide smells quite fishy, but it is still a wonderful sight and a place that many of the locals adore to sit and watch the waves lap away at.  


Fishgate is a more refined meat district. Here is where fish are sent to be salted and sold to merchants or ship captains. The gutting and scaling is never done in this district, as most traders pass through it, and the council wants to maintain a pristine image to traders visiting Port Dalworth. Many guilds also reside in this district, as it leaves them open to traders passing by.  

Golden Gate

Golden Gate is a name both literal and metaphorical. This district resides around the largest gate into the city, named Golden Gate not only for the gold-covered figurehead of a fish mounted above the gate, pilfered from a pirate of old when his ship sank in the bay, but also because it welcomes all traders on the Golden Road. This is one of the largest trade roads in Irrelion, as it passes right through Arion, Estrait Capital, and passes through many smaller hamlets and villages, the roads being exceptionally safe for traders, and a port at the end readily able to move traders at the end of a long journey. The houses in this district are well maintained, and considered prime real estate due to its location. Many larger and nicer houses line the roads with a few richer traders or craftsmen living here.  


Named for a large excess of fish bones littering the streets, many a Fletcher lives here, but before the widespread use of metal, it was very common for bone to be used for arrowheads instead. Being next to the Gutter's Gutters which handles almost all fish, they had easy access to fish bones and Fletchers would simply toss out the subpar bones when making arrowheads, leading their lawns and stairs to their house being covered in bones, hence the name. A few skilled Fletchers still live here, but the name still remains to this day.  

Gutter's Gutters

Home to the cities fish gutters, this district is uniquely devoid of the smell of dead fish, at least, as much as it can be. An underground river was diverted to run through dozens of channels that run through this district. These "Gutters" branch from the underground river and run through deep and narrow channels all throughout the city, covered by grates in most spots, they reconvene at the northernmost edge of the district and run through an underground sewage pipe where it flows out into the ocean. These channels are used for quick and clean disposal of fish remains, and since the underground river never freezes, it is usable all months of the year. This has led to the cleanliest and least plague-ridden fish-gutters in Irrelion.  


Many of the poorer city residents reside in this massive district. Tightly cramped and small houses litter the narrow and cramped streets. The two westernmost gates gave this district its name, and are a sad sight for many. Many poorer farmers follow the southwestern road to the plains west of the city, where they work hard to make a living. The northwestern road leads to the nearby mountains, and many a miner covered in coal and dust walks home along this desolate trail to his cramped hovel for the night.  


This eastern district contains slightly-less-impoverished workers. Many of the residents work the eastern fields, known for regularly suffering storms coming from the north, hence the name. The houses are seemingly bigger than most others, but many fit as many as 20 workers into a house, with entire blocks populated like this. It's not glorious, but it's cheap and decent-quality housing for those who need it as they work the day away.  

Cherry Barrow

This smaller district is part of the Stormfields, but is quite unique. The farmers here have had luck convincing the city to allow them to grow close to city walls, so they hardly have to travel far to get to their farms, which mostly consist of Cherries that are sold as a luxury to sailors.  

The Markets

No longer what it once was, a beached ship once settled here, finding itself turned into a refitted shop when the city was young. Many other merchants popped up in the area, using derelict and decommissioned ships as the material or foundation for a building. Once the city became a part of the Estrait Kingdom, these so-called "Shanty-Shops" were shut down and destroyed, but the residents never forgot. Many a sailor lives here, with rumors of pirates and criminals setting up base here.


The town sits on significant coffers from trade taxes and large stockpiles of meat and liquor for use in the navy. Large timber reserves also exist for repairing ships and building new ones, but is hardly used outside of regular repairs.

Guilds and Factions

Cult of the Salted Cutlass

Not a cult in a sanctum as it is a group of sailors in a guildhall-turned-bar that drink and share their stories on the high sea, acting as a place of rest for active sailors and a meeting place for retired ones, landlubbers need beware walking in uninvited.

Guild of Ruby Linens

A guild comprised of what few Tailor's still reside here, their work refined over many decades and centuries, not a large guild by any means, but each member is skilled enough that their works are valued at more than some may make in a lifetime. Hard-to-contact and Harder-to-afford, these expert tailors have mastered the craft and work together to share their knowledge.


Started as a small port to give work to fisherman, the Estrait Royal Fleet found this as it's home which led to it's rapid growth. It serves as a beginning, end, and midpoint for many large trade caravans, and has long been so. Monty Dalworth, first lord of the city, had many great architectural works undertaken, including the Citadel and the Gutter's Gutters, which make the city unique among all other coastal cities.

Points of interest

Tavern: Avelina's Rest

A small brick and mortar house with a fine shingled roof, this wide tavern-and-inn sits on the main road of the Fishgate district. The building itself is quite nondescript and plain, but a fine enough accommodation for traveling traders or other high-society individuals looking for a decent place to rest for a night or two. The owner, Avelina Norton, is an older human, and she has owned the inn since a young age, having met quite a good deal of unique peoples in her time, she has plenty of stories to tell if you're willing to listen  

Blacksmith: The Azer's Shield

Owned by Bertram Smoothhands, this large timber house is coated in metal shrapnel and dust nearly top to bottom. Not only would Smoothhands be a blacksmith, a seemingly contradictory joke that all his patrons point out, to his amusement, he is also a halfling, meaning he finds little ease in trying to clean much of the building, leaving it to the dust and shrapnel. Outside is a fine few vegetable gardens lining expertly trimmed shrubs all along the house, which sits in the Port Ward.  

Alchemist: Toil and Clairvoyance

This wood-and-brick hovel sits on the edge of the Gutter's Gutters, a simple two story house, the outside is ramshackle and drab, but the inside is well-kept with shiny hardwood floors and dozens of hunting trophies lining the walls, with a single oak countertop with rolled up recipes and ingredients scattered about. Elysande Colton, a young human, runs this little shop, as it was all she could afford after going to college to learn alchemy. She is young and inexperienced, but even more experienced sailors will swear by her tonics and brews as ways to ward off scurvy and blight.  

Jeweler: The Tricorn's Jewels

Fibblestib Silverthread, an older gnome, owns this tall wooden rowhouse, not far from Azer's Shield in the Port Ward, it's overgrown hedges and large windows make it stand out to passers-by, along with the Taxidermied Dire-Bear outside of the house. Inside, numerous cabinets and shelves contain pieces of fine jewelry, all made by Fibblestib using techniques passed down to him by the previous owner. Gold is his specialty, as pirates come to him to make rings, earrings, bangles and other bits and bobbits all the time.  

Enchanter: The Seer's Sights

Emeny Hartford, an elderly human, runs this wooden store on the edge of the ocean in the Port Ward. She has owned this shop for years upon years, and it was there well before her. Once one steps inside, its origins as a barracks are clear, as the stone-lined inner walls with sword and shield still hanging show its age. A small but intricate mithril bell hangs from the door and jingles a tune as one enters. Her inventory is quite varied and unpredictable, but there is no finer place in Port Dalworth to sell or buy any magical trinkets.  

General Store: Galiena's Basilisk

Galiena Palomarez, a middle-aged human runs this fancy store in the Fishgate District. She has completely redone much of the dated construction and replace the roof with fine black slate, which stand out against the light maple wood construction. The name is actually completely unrelated to anything in the store, but instead a massive monument of a warrior running down a basilisk sitting in the road, directly in front of her store. As many people stop to gaze at the old and mystical statue, it brings quite a bit of business to her store. Although new to the city, its location, mixed with Galiena's penchant for striking equitable deals, has lead to it being a go to place for traders, with so much business that Galiena has taken to acting as an intermediary for other merchants, as she can hardly handle all the business that comes her way, let alone store all the goods. The inside of the store has beautiful Elm shelves and tables and the walls are lined with paintings from far off lands of people from many different ages.  

Church: Temple to Deneir

Deneir, the God of Waves and Tides, has long been worshiped here in Port Dalworth, as Monty Dalworth himself was actually a Godborn of Deneir, and was said to have brought immense luck to Port Dalworth as such. Many a sailor or naval officer comes to this small humble church of marble and stone tucked in a small street in the Port Ward. Dozens of braziers line the ceiling as a basin of holy ocean-water sits in the center, and those seeking Deneir's blessings may dip the tip of their sword in the water to seek his blessings. Deacon Percival Graham runs this Temple. He's an old, crotchety human with little patience for so called "pirates", which is his term for any sailor he dislikes.


Not a major spot for tourists due to its relatively remote location, but those who do come here are usually interested in some of the unique goods that can be found in one of the very few coastal cities.


Many of the houses have been made easy and cheap to repair due to rapid weathering from the ocean winds, namely near the bottom of the hill by the ocean. Simple timber frames and panels for each house that can easily be torn out and rebuilt when needed sit higher up on the hill, while closer to the ocean, large stone buildings line the ocean to act as a bulwark against seaspray as it can do little against the massive hunks of stone, once mined and hauled from the vast mountains near Stonecradle.


A large hill sweeps down towards the ocean's edge, carrying a river stream with it. From the top, one can see the entire city slowly sloping down towards gently-lapping ocean waves. The hill smooths out to rolling plains at the top, where vast fields of grass is swept side to side by gentle ocean currents as farmers till their fields, watered by the plentiful rain coming from the ocean.

Natural Resources

Fish are plentiful and abundant in the northern ocean, and are the crux of industry in Port Dalworth, nearby crop fields grow more water-heavy crops like corn and wheat, and salt farms sit close to the city along the beaches to harvest sea-salt, a luxury good to many which sells for a good amount.
Large town
Owning Organization


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