Julius Von Estrait Character in Irrelion | World Anvil

Julius Von Estrait

King Julius Von Estrait

The King of the Western Estrait Kingdom, this King fought on the frontlines of many wars in his youth before taking the throne, and has shed more blood than most.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Average weight and build, somewhat tall, and getting on in age, he is quite healthy despite the years he has lived. Scars cover his body, but are overshadowed by the lean muscle he hides underneath his kingly regalia. Years of fighting and continued sparring has kept him in immaculate shape.

Facial Features

Covering his right eye is a bright red birthmark, the mark of a Godborn. Spiky and branching, like a maple leaf in the fall. his bushy eyebrows and scraggly beard and hair show his grizzled years.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into the Estrait family, he cared very little for the intricacies of court politics or formalities, and against his fathers own wishes, fought on the front lines of wars from his young teenage years. A godborn, he had a penchant for battle, and was quickly respected by everyone he met in the army. If there was a wall to climb, a river to cross, or a charge to lead, he was in the front of it. When he took over, he had amassed respect from the entire nation, but having seen significant bloodshed in his youth, he slowly took on an isolationist view of things. He is far from averse to war and fighting, but does not wish to shed blood where it not need be shed.

Morality & Philosophy

Julius Von Estrait follows the Karmic school of thought of circular evil, essentially, an Eye for an Eye. He rarely provokes fights but has never backed down from one. He also is willing to put his neck on the line for his fellow countryman, expecting they would do the same for him.

Wealth & Financial state

Amassing a wealth reaped from battle and from his Kinghood, Julius is only rivaled in wealth by other kings or the most lucrative of merchants.
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
1st Vardas of Fridgun
Current Residence
Medium, Curly, Coal Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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