Iron stars Refugees from Rawhani

Refugees from Rawhani

Civil action


Greenbriar saves those living under the megacorps' boots.

Rawhani, an affirmed hater of psionics, viewed human life as just another commodity. Despite the odds, surviving exiles founded their own tenement city near an oasis in the desert, living in defiance of their corporate masters. Flushing them out was simply put, too expensive, and thus the community was allowed to remain on the map- at least until Greenbriar began poking their nose in.   The Pillar of Salt was too big to hide in orbit, and when the dropships were tracked to the stack city, the council of corporation acted, sending a peacekeeping squad to gain control of the city. Kaleb was visiting, selecting the most hurt, or most in need of nourishment to be taken back to Gudrun.   Infiltrators, and finally the agitator squads themselves arrived, and after a brief skirmish, the survivors laid down their arms, taken into custody peacefully.   5,000, nearly a quarter of the city's inhabitants, returned to Gudrun, and underwent medical checks before being integrated into the population.

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