Chapter: The Beginning Of The End Plot in Irodan | World Anvil
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Chapter: The Beginning Of The End

The final arc.   In this arc, the party must round up their individual stories and face Takhisis, Takhisis divines and her endless undead hordes to save the future of East Irodan.   For this the following chapters need be completed:   A forge rekindled. Fëanor must find her way back to her roots. The deepest roots of Sirrion and his magical forge. The final and crucial component hidden away in the mountain tops of the Feywild. Also, an undocumented and forgotten legendary piece of armor was hidden away in these caverns. Finally, defeath Takhisis to prevail the beauty and art in freedom, that would be quenched under the foot of Takhisis. DONE   Homestead honor honed. Orth Winterrock and Tadg Rainn must venture and regain that which they first failed to protect: Halweth. Freeing it from its frozen dictator and its lackeys. Finally, also finding and freeing his family from enslavement. To prove his honor, and truly secure the future of Halweth, defeat Takhisis once and for all. DONE   Their history, now complete. Alton Cal Xerton finds a scrap of note with a mention of his name. Written in undercommon, the note was found by hunters and relayed over and over again until it came in the hands of the Seers of the Land who informed him. Mentioning to him the location the note was found. Once the party heads down to the hidden lost treasure trove of historical knowledge they find two ancient adventurers bodies, died a long time ago, Alton Cal Xertons parents tried to gather stories and history for him to learn of, ultimately perishing in their final attempts to do so; now asking him to finish the final adventure they could not. (maybe after the dungeon, instead of before?). An attack is placed on the Seers of the Land headquarters by Takhisis, In order to preserve all future knowledge, she must be put back in her place.   Music and beauty in all creatures, Artemis Moonflower .............. flow lost


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