Wurdgrym Dwarves Ethnicity in Irindor | World Anvil

Wurdgrym Dwarves

Wurdgrym Dwarves appear for all intents and purposes as a normal Dwarf. though Wurdgrym Dwarves often shave their head so only their beards remain, and even that is tightly bound in a warriors braid as to not interfere with combat and many keep their beard significantly shorter than their Cousins. it is not uncommon to see a Wurdgrym dwarf mark their kills upon their body or weapon in many cases.


Major language groups and dialects

Wurdgrym have developed an understanding of the Infernal language of Baathos from their dealings with the Temple of Nine.

Culture and cultural heritage

they abandoned their gods during the long night, and the teachings of Meldrus, now they enslave 'lesser' races and even elementals for their own goals, using them to power rune engines and man factories as slave labor.

Shared customary codes and values

Wurdgrym Dwarves value strength and usefulness over all others. personal honor and honor of their family/clan is all that matters beyond that.

Average technological level

they are the most Advanced technological culture, enslaving elementals to power Rune Engines and using Refined Mystrium to empower their engines and power their cities.

Common Etiquette rules

they are brutish and lack manners, often eating with bare hands, snarling and insulting those they see weaker than themselves. they will attack a leader they see as too weak, and attempt to replace them

Common Dress code

practical and militaristic

Art & Architecture

their Architecture is pragmatic, designed with a lengthy seige in mind. Most of the aesthetic designs and art in Wurdgrym culture are derived from the Temple of Nine.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

even after their severence with their dwarven kin, Wurdgrym dwarves share many customs with their cousins, they both have forgelords and an emperor. they both still burn the beard off an exile(though wurdgrym dwarves will often execute or enslave the dwarf afterwards.)

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Wurdgrym Dwarves are called Boy and Girl until they come of age.

Coming of Age Rites

A Wurdgrym dwarf is not considered an adult until they kill or enslave a foe in combat

Funerary and Memorial customs

Wurdgrym care little for their dead, unless it was in combat. those who die out of combat are returned as zombies or skeletons. those who die in combat, are remembered more fondly but considered an empty vessel, sometimes entombed within a Golem or even a Mechan if one is available.

Common Taboos

Wurdgrym dwarves despise the idea of worshiping gods, as it often involves supplication. even in their social structure blind obedience is looked down upon, as you should always be looking to ascend the ladder of power. The only exception to this is their contract to Asmodeus, which they see more as a partnership than a traditional religion.

Historical figures

Sanos Trueforge was the first emperor of the Wurdgrym, he is succeded by his most worthy offpsring chosen by ritual combat among his 12 children and the most worthy of his immediate Kings. Sanos' Daughter Ada was the only one to survive and not withdraw after nearly three days of combat.


Beauty Ideals

Wurdgrym dwarves are attracted to power, as such scrawny elves seldom draw their attention. the more muscle the more power, so they often are attracted to other dwarves, some humans, and the occasional orc even.

Gender Ideals

they view gender neutrally, as only power determines ones worth in society. the only difference is men cannot physically give birth to a child.

Courtship Ideals

presenting the heart of a desired spouses rival to them is considered the height of romance. it is also common for Wurdgrym Dwarves to brawl Naked and unarmed for those they desire.

Relationship Ideals

while some Wurdgrym dwarves experience love similar to other races, many are arranged marriges for power and convenience. it is common for Wurdgrym dwarves to engage in sex with any they deem worthy, it is not unheard of for a Wurdgrym dwarf to take more than one lover, though they only ever have one spouse.

Major organizations

forgemasters answer to clanlords, answer to Kings/queens, answer to the Emperor/empress
Parent ethnicities
Related Organizations

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