Umeran the Soul Tree Building / Landmark in Irindor | World Anvil

Umeran the Soul Tree

the Fallen Spirit of the first elven god, and a portal to the Feywild. the very soul of the elves lays here, and the Shades seek to corrupt or destroy that spirit.

Purpose / Function

this massive portal serves as a gate between the Feyand the material plane, the elves use it in many of their rituals primarily with their birthing and death rituals


when Umeran was slain during Asmodeus' fall, his body crashed through they feywild into the mortal plane where it then grew into a massive tree that touched upon the clouds. this tree would house the spirit of Umeran and the world, as it would also serve as a portal to the feywild. centuries later, one of the first elves, Laenara, would attempt to corrupt the world spirit held within the great tree, only to be cast out by Cradan along with her followers. during the long night it was feared that the Spirit Tree had been destroyed as the Voss invaded and sought to turn the tree into a gateway into the Shadow. the Elves sacrificed much to defend Umeran, allowing Mythnara to fall to ruin. the Voss assault was broken as Long night finally ended, with the explosion of the Ley Lines thousands of Shades were obliterated and their forces cut off. now only three castles remain, not enough to occupy the lands of Ravan but certainly enough to patrol the lands. many elves go their whole lives without seeing Umeran, something which wounds their spirits greatly as it is one of their fondest traditions.
Alternative Names
Umeran, the World Spirit
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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