Kelmar Harval Character in Invasive Species | World Anvil
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Kelmar Harval

Kelmar Harval is an Ardanti economist and politician, currently serving as a Councillor in The Communal Assembly representing his home province of Telvarro, having previously been elected as the second First Councillor of The Lavennic Communal Republics from 488 to 493 AGL. He is the charismatic face of the Liberalists within Parliament, and was instrumental in the drafting of the Lavennic Constitution. Harval was the main opposition to the Federationist stance that a new nation, rather than intergovernmental organisation, should be created. He argued that a powerful, overbearing Federation would be anathema to the goals of the Provisional Government.
The last thing these scarred and war torn lands need is another distant, overbearing authority dictating their destiny. Yes, of course our nascent communes and republics need to band together for common defense and to ensure the universal rights that we have just created are upheld, but that can be more easily done as a loose constellation rather than as chains on an anchor.  
  • Kelmar Harval, during a speech adressed to the Constitutional Congress of 474 AGL
  • His fierce rhetoric during the consitutional congress has mostly softened, having recognised the astonishing progress brought during reconstruction under a unified government. Even so, he remains a staunch advocate for the communes of Lavenna being the sole unit of local representation. He views larger regional agglomerations such as provinces and republics as arbitrary political divisions, and that the most 'natural' form of organisation is that of the communes.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Kelmar grew up in a middle class merchant family in the city of Trelvant

    Morality & Philosophy

    Kelmar, along with most other liberalists, believe that the Communes of the nation should take an even more prominent role, and has at several points advocated for compeltely dissolving member republics into their constituent communes. Though any such prospect is guaranteed to fail in the chamber of deputies, his policies have been quite successful in granting communes more authority and flexibility.   He adheres to the nation's founding ideal of the preminent value of the natural environment above all else,
    Preceded by
    Miranti Karsto
    Succeeded by
    Zarielle Isoviya
    488 - 493 AGL
    Current Location
    Previously Held Ranks & Titles
    Year of Birth
    438 AGL 48 Years old
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Native in Ardanti, speaks Laveranto fluently; non fluently speaks Vili Matroshki and Fleuraçais

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