Humans Species in Interstellar Domains: The Fallen Frontiers | World Anvil
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The humans of the 25th century are not quite like the humans of the 21st century. Primarily many humans today have been exposed to new and different types of radiation that have been bouncing and pinging off the Earth's atmosphere for billions of years. This new radiation, originally called Silva radiation as its existence was discovered by Dr. Sofia Silva during her space flight to Alpha Centauri where she would spend the rest of her life. This Silva radiation led to new growths on the human brain on a small microscopic scale that was only discovered about 30 years later when the first generation in Alpha Centauri started producing fire and moving objects using only their minds. Not everyone who was discovered to have these growths survived initially as the human skull was not equipped to contain a brain that would grow a single millimeter in size. A new hormone was added to baby formula when these mutations were discovered to cause the head to grow one millimeter bigger than it otherwise would have. On a normal human this wouldn't have much of an effect but for the psionically gifted this turned their life of weekly or daily migraines into a normal life with brain magic coursing through their skulls.

Basic Information


On average human males have grown to stand around 5 ft. 9 in. or 1.75 meters and human females have grown to stand around 5 ft. 3 in. and 158.2 meters. They often have differing skin tones, but typically humans have two arms, two legs, two eyes, ten fingers, and ten toes.

Genetics and Reproduction

At birth humans have a one half of a binary set of reproductive organs with males often having the role of fertilizing the eggs carried by the females of the species. From there humans go through a gestation period of, on average, nine months. Then a baby is born from a mixture of DNA codes given to them by both of that baby's parents and one half of the binary reproductive organs.

Growth Rate & Stages

While its argued that many of human growth stages are societal constructs, a belief supported by most of human history before the 20th century, there are agreed upon growth stages for human development. Baby, 0-2 years old, marked by an inability to care for one self, mobilize oneself, or communicate with others effectively, it is when a human is at their most vulnerable. Toddler 1-3 years old, this is when a human being has learned how to walk and communicate effectively with those around them and start developing a more independent mindset. Child 4-12 years old, this is the time when humans learn most of their social skills that they will carry with them through social life and is where the end of the old world's ideas of human development before adulthood would often end. Teenager, 13-18 years old is a 20th century invention where the idea of childhood had been expanded in a number of years and this time is often marked in humans exploring the society around them to find out how they can or will fit into the society around them. Adulthood, 18 years and until death, these are the years where most humans will spend the majority of their lives working and or participating in the society around them.

Ecology and Habitats

Many scientists believe that humans evolved somewhere on the continent of Africa but through a mixture of chance, luck, or divine will, humans have been able to find themselves living and thriving across the six of the seven continents on Earth and have managed to find a number of environments on alien worlds to be friendly to their survival necessities and as a result, have not needed to change the ecosystems of most planets they will later colonize.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivores and are able to eat just about anything from meat to plants. Humans are also highly adaptable thanks to their ability use tools and their access to advanced technology they are able to adapt to any natural environment or if needed in the case of some planets, construct artificial habitats capable of housing and providing for the needs of human colonists.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of humanity is, to say the least, complicated and something considered to still be working out. In a "natural" view, it is believed that humans evolved to follow the biggest, the strongest, and the smartest lending to the creation of hierarchal structures that existed through most of human history. However as technology advanced the gap between physically strongest and some random kid playing with their parent's gun shrank in terms of physical and lethal threat to one's wellbeing, so too did human society do away with the need for physical strength in terms of leadership leading to an age where the only thing that mattered was a person's intelligence and charisma. This led to rise of new ideas and ideologies about how humanity could improve or restructure society. Fights over how this can be achieved and what should be achieved rage to this day.


Some scholars believe that humanity domesticated itself due to human beings being inherently social animals which would lead to us shunning or exiling those who broke our customs which could be seen as a parallel to how humans shun or exile animals that are too violent or aggressive when it comes to normal everyday domestication of other species like the dog.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans are often assigned five basic senses that have been agreed upon by scientists among the species, though there are debates that there are likely more within the scientific community up to thirty-three senses in fact and that was before the discovery of Silva radiation.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Dogs and Cats as well as any livestock can be considered a symbiotic or parasitic relationship and often both kinds of relationships can be looked at with just about any relationship between a human and an animal depending on one's point of view.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Human Colonization Bureau: An organization dedicated to planning out and surveying new colonies and worlds.   The Ministry of Alien Relations: The organization that developed first contact protocols and has a history of working with and understanding other alien species and are also in charge of diplomatic relations between humans and aliens.   The Coalition of Colonial Combat Forces: An organization dedicated to the defense of humanity's colonies against Alien threats in case the Ministry of Alien Relations fails in its task to come to reasonable agreements with alien forces.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

English, Mandarin, German, Hausa, and Hindi are the most commonly spoken languages of the colonist humans who travelled into space.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans and the Grups, typically humans are able to get along with Grups as a species pretty well, although humans are still often weirded out by the Grups communal mind that they share between Cluster Mates. Some psionic humans have grown envious of the Grups shared mind however with some psionic humans attempting similar ideas amongst their own species.   Humans and the Skurrah, are somewhat hostile, but that is the nature of the Skurrah who have a very isolationist mind set in an environment where they are not the masters of their fate any longer. This difference in mindset has led to many small conflicts between Skurrah societies and human civilization with some planetary governments declaring them an invasive species and only the larger Human Colonization Bureau preventing a species wide genocide on those planets.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens & Homo Cerebrum
Earth & Alpha Centauri
100 years.
Average Height
Male : 5 ft. 9 in. or 1.75   Female: 5 ft. 3 in. and 158.2 meters.
Average Weight
Male: 140 pounds or 64 kilograms   Female: 110 pounds or 50 kilograms
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Natural human skin color exists on a spectrum of the color brown from lighter shades called as white to darker shades called black.

Before Current Era

... 10000 C.E.

The era of human history originally called Before Christ.   This timeline has arbitrarily decided to start at the beginning of human history, the reasoning for it being way too many big numbers to work with the present day and future years.

  • -8000 B.C.E.

    Nabta Playa is constructed
    Technological achievement

    Nabta Playa, the oldest known observatory built by humans is constructed.

Current Era

10001 C.E. and beyond

The current era.

  • 2021 C.E.

    1 January

    Corona Virus is cured and sent to hell

    Non-canon but I want something fun for myself on here.

  • 2029 C.E.

    7 February

    NASA, the ESA, and the CNSA announce a joint peace project
    Political event

    The heads of the North American Space Agency, the European Space Agency, and the Chinese National Space Agency, all come out to a news conference to announce a joint partnership in the name of creating and innovating new methods of exploring and studying outer space and the universe at large, with pooled resources.

  • 2035 C.E.

    30 April

    Colony on Mars established.
    Scientific achievement

    A joint mission between NASA and the Chinese Space Program has led to the development of new technologies, plans, and strategies to develop space colonies and commence mining the asteroid belt.

  • 2042 C.E.

    2 October

    The Warp Network Theory proposed
    Discovery, Scientific

    A small time theoretical physicist Dr. Amadi Osagie proposes a theory for faster than light travel through the construction of gates and buoys.

    More reading
    Warp Travel
  • 2077 C.E.

    24 February

    Humanity sends its first interstellar colony
    Technological achievement

    Humanity constructs and sends out its first wave of interstellar colonists through the efforts of both the United States and the People's Republic of China. On earth its seen as a great event in human history marking an international friendship between two of the world's Political Superpowers.

  • 2078 C.E.

    4 February

    Silva Radiation discovered.
    Discovery, Scientific

    Dr. Silva discovers the Silva Radiation and begins studying it during her "wake" time on the colony ship headed for Alpha Centauri.

    More reading
    Dr. Sofia Silva
  • 2081 C.E.

    4 April

    The First Human Colony is settled
    Era beginning/end

    Alpha Centauri is successfully settled and begins construction of Humanity's first Warp Node, by the end of the year where they prove to be successful.

  • 2082 C.E.

    21 April

    The First Psionic is born
    Life, Birth

    The first known psionic baby is born. Their latent abilities won't be learned until later in their life however.

  • 2092 C.E.

    4 July

    The First Warp Node comes online
    Technological achievement

    The beginning of Mankind single largest mass migration is now set to begin.

    More reading
    Warp Travel
  • 2108 C.E.

    23 June

    Psionics see first military deployment
    Military action

    The first unit of psionics are deployed on the colony of Eris to deal with a "monster" that's been bothering the colony. The operation is a great success.

  • 2125 C.E.

    13 August

    The Warp Seed Cannon Built and fired successfully
    Scientific achievement

    The Warp Seed Cannon designed with consultation from the late Dr. Amadi Osagie is successfully built on Mars and from there it is fired to randomly "seed" the galaxy at warp speeds allowing for mass human space exploration and colonization in the coming decades.

    More reading
    Warp Travel
  • 2131 C.E.

    5 January

    The Human Colonial Bureau is founded
    Political event

    The (Human) Colonial Bureau was founded by the United Nations.

  • 2143 C.E.

    16 August

    A.R.M.Or. Units are invented
    Technological achievement

    The A.R.M.Or. Units are invented and begin testing for colonial policing.

  • 2150 C.E.

    30 April

    The Founding of Standard Interstellar

    The Founding of the most productive and standard setting company responsible for crafting and selling interstellar ships.

  • 2154 C.E.

    11 July

    First Contact
    Discovery, Exploration

    Human colonial explorers arrive in the solar system that is currently occupied by a sapient species that has technology comparable to the Industrial revolution.

    More reading
  • 2189 C.E.

    19 August

    Humanity meets the Kurrah
    Military action

    Humanity meets another interstellar Empire who have developed a similar method of travel as them. This new species, the Kurrah they call themselves, are hostile and demand the surrender of the Humans marching into their Space. This will lead to a two year long war that will end in a stalemate where humanity did nothing except show up, get shot at, and then defended its Warp Network Node to prevent the loss of the rest of the Domain that was in no way connected to the war in any way other than they would be cut off from the rest of Humanity should they lose the war.

    More reading
  • 2191 C.E.

    21 December
    2193 C.E.

    25 June

    The Second Contact War
    Military action

    The Second Contact War is the first war Humanity has had with another interstellar power, a species with the Kurrah.

    More reading
  • 2192 C.E.

    20 February

    The First Mass Production of A.R.M.Or. Units
    Construction beginning/end

    The first recorded instance of A.R.M.Or. Unit mass production. This production is in response to the Second Contact War and the lives lost during it and witnessing the effectiveness of A.R.M.Or. Units ground combat capabilities.

  • 2198 C.E.

    12 May

    The Coalition of Colonial Militias is founded
    Political event

    After the war with the Kurrah, the sheer ineptitude of the Colonial Bureau's management of the war effort inspired the UN security council to agree to create another more military organization for the self-defense of the Colonies under the H.C.B.'s jurisdiction. Humanity did manage to win the war, but not by enough to claim the Domain and lost a number of planets and millions of civilian lives.

  • 2200 C.E.

    11 March

    Practical use Laser weapons are invented

    Laser weapons enter use on the battlefield, though not in large number and are issued to more specialized units for field testing purposes.

  • 2223 C.E.

    19 January

    The First Sapient A.I. is invented
    Scientific achievement

    The Invention of robust A.I. capable of teaching itself in more than a single subject, not necessarily designated to do so is invented.

  • 2275 C.E.

    26 August

    The Founding of the A.G.B.E.

    Apollo Gamma Burst Electronics and Arms is founded in the Interstellar Domain: New Markets.

  • 2283 C.E.

    8 January

    Humanity is evicted from Earth.
    Population Migration / Travel

    Humanity's sentient A.I. decide to turn the Sun into a dyson sphere to make the Warp Network operate in a more consistent manner and prevent the loss of any Stellar Domains as have been happening recently. As a result they evict the last humans who lived on Earth.

  • 2285 C.E.

    Laser Weapons become mainstream for Military use

    While ballistic weapons are far from gone on the battlefield, laser weapons have now become a normal sight on the battlefield with military units being issued mixed arms between ballistics and lasers so as to avoid recent advances in defenses against both ballistics and lasers.

  • 2288 C.E.

    25 December
    2308 C.E.

    14 August

    The Kreetar War

    A War between Human Coalition Militia forces and an interstellar alien empire led by a species known as the Kreetar, thus humanity often refers to this Empire as the Empire of Kreetar. The war broke out in stellar Domain: Xīnjiā. The war was ultimately a loss for humanity, but despite the loss humanity's Coalition Militia are gearing up to retake the Domain sometime in the near future and it has inspired a great many tragic and heroic works across human controlled space.

    Additional timelines
  • 2305 C.E.

    24 March

    The Empire of Bal is founded

    A colony in the Domain: Final Light declared its independence from the Human Colonial Bureau which, the Bureau ignored and simply stopped collecting taxes from and sending support. The Colony, with an unheard of colonial population in the billions, chose to aggressively expand forming Domain-wide Empire under former Colony Manager and now Stellar Emperor Bal.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 2315 C.E.

    31 July

    Humanity meets the Grups Hivemind
    Discovery, Exploration

    Humans come across a Grups ship that is owned by the local Grups hive mind. This prompts humanity to learn more about the Grups and even take in exiles who would otherwise be executed due to a lack of starships to properly exile the Grups from the Hivemind.

    More reading
  • 2318 C.E.

    30 September

    The Second Kreetar War
    Military action

    The Second Large scale military conflict between the Coalition Milita's forces and the Kreetar. This time Humanity is invading Domain: Xīnjiā. The conflict's conclusion is unknown to anyone alive today as the war was still raging even during the War for New Arrival.

    Additional timelines
  • 2319 C.E.

    16 August

    The Empire of Bal invades the Domain of New Arrival
    Military action

    The Empire of the former Colonial planet of Bal has chosen to test its military might and capabilities by attempting to invade Coalition territory in the form of their newest Colonial Domain, Domain: New Arrival. This would be the first Colonial planet to both secede from the Coalition and attempt to an invade outside its home domain.

  • 2319 C.E.

    16 August
    2332 C.E.

    9 March

    The War for New Arrival
    Military action

    The War between Humanity and the Empire of Bal, a human Colonial Empire that was formed on the fringes of human space, for the ownership of the Domain of New Arrival.

  • 2332 C.E.

    9 March

    The New Arrival Domain is cut off from the Warp Network
    Disaster / Destruction

    The conclusion of the New Arrival War comes to an end. With it the loss of connection to the Greater Warp Network that connected the New Arrival Domain to the rest of the Human Colonization Bureau.

  • 2338 C.E.

    22 August

    The Founding of the Empire of New Arrival

    The Founding of the First Major Faction of New Arrival after the War of New Arrival.

    Additional timelines
  • 2343 C.E.

    11 November

    Neos Technocracy Founded

    The S.A.I. Neos unites its home world and takes steps toward the stars.

    Additional timelines
  • 2350 C.E.

    12 February

    The Fall of the Empire of New Arrival

    The Fall of the Empire.

    Additional timelines
  • 2357 C.E.

    6 October

    The Founding of The Federal Republic of Planets

    The Republic of Planets rises up from the ashes of the collapsed New Arrival Empire.

    Additional timelines
  • 2358 C.E.

    17 August

    The Founding of the New Arrival Commonwealth

    After the collapse of the New Arrival Colonial Empire many factions sprang up to eat the remains of the fallen Empire, but two factions in particular now hold sway over the planets of the old Empire. This event marks when the Polémarchos Amelia Baxter claimed dominion over the other Warlords of the Interstellar "South".

    Additional timelines


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