Steelwood Material in Indarie | World Anvil
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I sit awkwardly in bed, looking at my missing limbs. It feels so wrong for them to be gone. I can't even do anything! I throw a glass across the room, screaming angerly. Why did this happen! Why did I have to get caught in that damn explosion!   "Ori?" I flop onto my side, not looking at Beithir. "Ori."   I hear her walk over to my bed and sit down at my foot. "Ori, I need to talk to you."   "About what?" I snap. She flinches. Damn it, she hears everything. "I'm not mad at you! I'm just useless now."   "Ori, you're not useless just because you lost an arm and leg."   "I can't do my job Beith! I can't be of any use to you if I can't be a spy!" I sit up awkwardly, looking my friend in the eyes. "My entire team died on that mission, and I can back completely incapable of being useful to my people! What am I supposed to do?"   I look at my remaining leg, the bandages covering the nasty burns well on their way to healing. "I guess I can help my dad at his shop. People still want flowers."   "Ori, Veryan and I had something made for you. It... it'll help." She smiles, sliding off the bed and onto the floor. I hear her open something. "Our artisans are supremely gifted with crafting these. I know they'll work well."   She stands, a Steelwood arm in her hands. It's beautiful. She sets it on the bed next to me and kneels back down, standing with a leg. I reach out with my left hand, running my fingers down them.   "They have the same markings on the sides as I do." Tears well up in my eyes. "Beith, I can't. These are so expensive to make."   "Which is why you're accepting them and having them put on today. Veryan and I sunk a lot of our personal funds into these."   "Weren't you saving to buy new spell books? Those really beautifully decorated ones with the illustrations?"   "I want you back to full health, racing about and harassing us more than I want some pretty spell books. We all do, Ori. The Corps isn't the same without you at our side." I burst into tears. I'm getting my life back!


Material Characteristics

Hard. Resembles cedar. Rough but gorgeous when worked into whatever it's being made into.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Extremely strong, every bit as strong as steel and very durable. It doesn't catch fire, at least not at any temperature that the Eledhrim can currently reach. Highly water resistant but it can rot if not properly treated.

Geology & Geography

Found in only in Gilmunriel, specifically in the Halldor and Burning Flows regions.

Life & Expiration

If properly maintained in whatever form it's crafted into, it can last centuries.

History & Usage


The tree primally grows in the Halldôr region of Gîlmunrîel, with some small groves in the lower regions of Burning Flows. It was long known for not catching fire, which the Than love as a building material. In the 100th age the Than got the brilliant idea that it could be used as a prosthetic. A Lhingril Black Recluse was the recipient of the first working prosthetic arm.

Everyday use

Mostly used as a prosthetic building material as it is so sturdy though the Than continue to use it to make repairs and construct buildings for themselves.

Environmental Impact

It could threaten forests, but the Eledhirm are careful so that their homes and the homes of the wildlife aren't endangered.


Law & Regulation

The Lhingril, as it is most commonly found in their forests, monitor it so that it isn't overharvested.
Dark greys and blacks
Common State
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Aug 24, 2022 10:54 by Secere Laetes

Really a nice story for the intro. Great.