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Prophecy of Infernal Wars Return

"With the return of the Riders, the waters will rise. A blazing fire it be. Winds grow swift, the ice will shift, oh how quick it be. Keep an eye to the changing sky, be wary the earths' rise. For their return, the world will churn, an age of reckoning it be. For their return, He will reemerge, an age of chaos it be."   When first spoken, this prophecy worried those who heard. Everything had just gone to hell in a hand-basket. Written down by an Illarian soldier in his journal, the story surrounding it started getting elaborated by the scholars and archivists in the Royal Archives as they tried to dissect it. Theories as to when it would come true starting getting tossed around. The four most popular theories were:   Theory 1) When the Illarian queen, their queen, who was a Rider herself, had a child. It would signify that the Riders might be fulling returning for why would their queen not teach her child to Ride?   Theory 2) Considering that Prince Lalithion himself was the child of a Rider, quite a few believed that the prophecy he spoke referred to him becoming a Rider as well as becoming his people's, the Eledhrim, king, restoring them and leading them against their mutual enemy.   Theory 3) The Riders of Gîlmunrîel, specifically their Royals, Lalithion's family, returning to the public eye. This prophecy was spoken just weeks after Carachdanna's sacking and the death or disappearance of every single member of Lalithion's family. Their return would greatly encourage both Illary and Gîlmunrîel for the Eledhrim loved them and the Illarians' had great respect for the family that had lead their ally's for nearly five hundred thousand years.   Theory 4) Then there were those who believed that it just meant what was said, the Riders will return. Not any specific Riders, not those related to Riders necessary, just that one day, men and women in areas where they wouldn't be hunted by their enemies, the Elgath Order, be able to trust and train their Drakie partner in relative safety. Of course, once they were seen issues would arise, especially with the Elgath Order's leader returns but with Riders, they stood a chance.
Such A Burden For One So Young   Prince Lalithion Hacende was only thirty when he had his this Sight, his first Sight. Seeing something so startling frightened the young Eledhrim, leaving him shaky for days. Those who were ensuring his care tried to comfort him, reassured him that what he Saw and spoke of was a clear warning of future conflict but that it sounded as if it would mean the end of the war and their victory. It was a lot for him to carry, the knowledge that more fighting was on a distant horizon, all stemming from the return of Riders, very possibly Royal Riders.
Date of First Recording
Five hundred and twentieth age, in the forty-sixth year, the seventh month and first day (520,046/7/1)
Opinions My Queen?   The Queen of Illary was asked how she felt about the prophecy Lalithion had. She had sat in silence for a while, clearly angered, thinking. When she finally spoke, she simply said that when the time comes and his Sight comes to pass, they would have to stand strong in the face of such terrifying forces and pray that their brothers and sisters from Gîlmunrîel would be there to stand with them once again.


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