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Nephthys: The Necromancers Protector

Priestess/Protector Nephthys Kariuki (a.k.a. Neph)

"If I hadn't run away, maybe they'd still be alive. Isis, Nyx, Anubis, Horace. The other priests and priestess. The citizens of Altera, those children... Their deaths are all my fault! If I hadn't abandoned my post, none of this would have happened! They shouldn't have died, I should have! I should have died protecting them!"   "I am a failure, the reason the city of Altera was destroyed. No one must know. No one can ever find out that I abandoned my post. I am supposed to be the one who protects Eiresire, I am supposed to protect the Necromancers not leave them to be slaughtered."   "Was it wrong of me to want to be just a normal teenager? Was it wrong of me to run away to have a taste at a normal life? I just wanted a couple months away from the other priests and priestess. I just wanted time away from the temple, a chance to explore this world...I had no idea that the Maiseach were planning an attack on our lands. I would have stayed if I had."   "Running away, that's where I made my mistake. I see that know. My masters would have given me time on my own, time to explore and be a teenager. They knew I needed to be a kid just as much as I was needed as the Protector. Was it my fault that Altera was lost to us? Yes and no. Yes, because I left the city vulnerable. No, because even if I was there, the Maiseach would have still attacked, and we might have still lost the city. I know my mistake and I will live with that secret for the rest of my life. I will atone with every day I serve."   Excerpts from Priestess Nephthys diary

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin, looks weak but that is the opposite of the truth, a side affect of her Necromancy. While not a warrior, she can protect herself with a weapon.

Body Features

Across her shoulders and down her arms are tattoos in Eiresiren hieroglyphs, the Necromancers tongue. The tattoos are to protect her, enhance her magic in battle and control it while sleeping or under unusually stressful moments.

Physical quirks

Left handed

Special abilities

Necromancy, Lumamancy

Apparel & Accessories

As a Priestess of Konets, she has first choice as some of the best Eiresire has to offer. This allows her to have clothes made of the finest cloths her people have. Despite the hot, humid temperatures, she dresses darkly; wearing a lot of grey and black, accented with pale golds, blues, greens and purples. While dark in color, Eiresiren cotton breathes well, keeping her cool. Her tops also are sleeveless while her skirts rarely reach lower than her knees, though she does dawn pants when wandering into the jungle. Sandals are her primary footwear, made of soft black leather.   She also wears a necklace made from the bones of a black desert cobra and earrings crafted from hyena teeth. On both wrists he wears bracelets which were made with knuckle bones. All are strung together with strands of silver and the gaps are filled with the tiniest precious gems; topazes, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, diamonds. The cobra also has small black opals set in the eye sockets.

Specialized Equipment

She carries a sorceresses staff. It stands about six inches taller than her, painted bone white and covered in runes to protect her from Fiendish magic. At the top sits an opal the size of her fist and one side arches over the other like cobra fangs. She also carries a Necronomicon in a bag that sits against the small of her back. While lugging around a text so large might seem burdensome, having it at the ready is of great use. Lastly, a khopesh rests against her upper back, allowing her to quickly draw and deliver a devastating blow to her opponents upper body.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nephtys had a fairly normal childhood. Her parents loved her, and she ran around with the other children, playing in the reeds, trees and river. Then, when she was ten, her magic manifested.

Gender Identity





Strong grasp on history, magic, botany and math. Skilled with her khopesh, better with magic.


A Priestess of Konets and a Guardian of the Valley of Souls.

Failures & Embarrassments

She is an uncommonly gifted Necromancer and Lumamancer, a rare combination, and was being brought up though the ranks swiftly, being given more responsibilities and power. Not wanting to lose her youth and freedom, she ran away from the small city of Altera that was to be her post. The problem was, she was attuned to an artifact that only allows one user and that user has to die before the next one can attune to it. She was unaware of this detail and left it, thinking that if they needed it, it was there. There was a Fiendish attack three days later while search parties were out looking for her, depriving the city of valuable soldiers and their Guardian, resulting in the death a dozen other priests and priestess, as well as almost two hundred civilians and children. As the attack spread into the surrounding countryside, the search parties got entangled in the battle. She ended up returning when one person found her and told her what was happening. With her return and her use of the artifact, they were able to repel the attack. She hid that she ran away from her post but only just and it haunts her.

Mental Trauma

Deep guilt from the events that destroyed Altera.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very intelligent. Good judge of character. Problem solver and clever at resolving conflict.

Morality & Philosophy

Protect the innocent. Stay true to the balance of life and death. People can change, I'm living proof of that.

Personality Characteristics


Protecting the Temple of Konets located at the Valley of Souls in order to safeguard the souls who are passing to the afterlife. She tends to her duties with great diligence, hoping to one day be able to make up for her mistakes, for her neglect.

Likes & Dislikes

Enjoys music, the company of her fellows and sour candies. Dislikes the cold and people who think Necromancers are filthy death worshipers who live to see the world die. Hates Fiends and their servants.

Virtues & Personality perks

Honest, if vague. Gentle with children. Willing to provide second chances but also more than able to hand out punishment to those who violate that second chance.

Vices & Personality flaws

When her past is troubling her, she gets drunk. It's not too often but it does happen and the other Priests and Priestess will give her grief for her behavior.


Quite clean, almost always appears well put together.


Religious Views

She primarily worships Konets, the God of the Afterlife, and serves him the most diligently as he is responsible for her powers over death, though there are a few other deities she pays homage to. For her, as is the case with all Necromancers, death is merely the end of your physical body not your soul and only fears a painful death. Her beliefs lead her actions in helping keep the balance between life and death.


Proper speech, calm and regular. Graceful movements, a calm, neutral expression.

Hobbies & Pets

She tends to a garden filled with some of the most dangerous plants in the world; the toxic Nightshade, the lethal Wolfsbane, the deadly Catmint and the poisonous Hemlock. The butterflies and other insects that make their home are also well looked after.


Her tone of voice is even and calm, a mid-range pitch.   "Without life there is no death and without death there is no life."   "There is no reason to fear death."   "Oh, you're still breathing. What brings you to this place?"   "Live with peace and die in comfort."
Current Status
Watched over the Veil and the major temple located over it.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Priestess, Daughter of Death, Guardian
The captial of Eiresire, Nidra
Current Residence
The Valley of Souls
Pale gold, like the sun in winter
Long and straight, quite thick, night black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Her complexion, once dark from her sunlit homeland, is quite pale.
130 lbs
Known Languages
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype


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