Dragon Pox Condition in Indarie | World Anvil
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Dragon Pox

A childhood illness among the Eledrhim and Illarian's, it's more irritating than life threatening. 95% of children will have had this disease by the age of eight the other 5% by age ten. It is extremely rare for an adult from either Gîlmunrîel or Illary to come down with this unless they were raised in another country with little to no direct contact with the former two.   The greatest issue is with those that live anywhere near where the Order of the Eternal Sun operates, especially in their home country, Krzyżyklekki. They are convinced that it is a Fiendish illness and will actively hunt, kill and burn anyone who contracts it while wearing special gear that's supposed to protect them. This usually means that Illarian medics will sneak into their land to ensure the safety of the innocent lives by getting them the medication if they hear of an outbreak.

Transmission & Vectors

Direct contact with the rash. If the person has not had the illness, they have a high chance of catching it, especially if they have some small abrasion along the skin. Coughing can also spread it.


Starts off as flaky, scaly skin with redness and a fever. The fever will rise, the rash worsen, expand and begin to ooze a clear-yellowish fluid.


Scaly rashes across the body, flaking skin in the regions of the rash, yellowish fluid seeping from rash sight, high fever


A simple oral medication and ointment for the rash, easily obtainable from a local Healer or Medic. Usually a ten to fourteen day treatment, by which point the infection has cleared up.


With treatment, very good. It is an easily treatable disease and causes almost no fatalities with medicine. Without treatment, still good. Recovery takes a bit longer and is quite a bit more uncomfortable but as long as one stays hydrated and doesn't itch at the rash, which can cause secondary skin infections, one can make a full recovery. Death is a rare occurrence and usually only happens if the person is already ill or lives in a particularly dirty or unhealthy environments.


Severe cases can leave scaring where the rash appeared, especially if there was a great deal of scratching. Otherwise, there is no lasting harm from the illness.

Affected Groups

Usually young children between the ages of three and seven. Adults who do catch it didn't have the illness as children and it is more irritating at that age. Rarely does a person get it again once they've had it once.


Unfortunately, a preventative treatment has not been invented at this time.

Cultural Reception

As it is a childhood illness that is easily treatable, the Eledhrim and Illarian's have no problems with it except keeping their sick child indoors for a couple days so that the worst of the illness can pass. The Coruscaren's feel threatened by it, ostracizing the ill in fear of a massive outbreak for even though it is easily treatable and has a high survivability rate, they don't have the medicines for it and want nothing to do with it. The Order of the Eternal Sun is convinced it's a Fiendish disease that requires the ill to be eradicated and the bodies burned. The Dwarves find it irritating and will avoid those visibly ill but otherwise are unbothered by it.


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