The Long Hunt Myth in Incandescence | World Anvil
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The Long Hunt

Once the tide against the gods had turned, the people of Hivernal saw it necessary to wipe the remaining gods, be they Betrayers or otherwise, from their lands. As such, a group of soldiers, led by a famed hunter, were sent into the tundra of Hivernal to slay Diana, the Single Arrow. The hunter, who remains unnamed and undescribed in, though the Avianfolk came to calling them "Wander," led the soldiers into the frost and remained there for five years until they returned, the soldiers unaccounted for and the bow of the hunt god in hand.

Variations & Mutation

Speculation varies as to the events that transpired in the cold, and varied speculation leads to varied myth.   The Rati Avianfolk dubbed the hunter "Wander," and insisted that the hunter killed the soldiers in order to protect Diana. The Corva, however, are more cynical. They tend to not name the hunter in religious and mythological text, though most Corva do not shy away from cordially referring to the hunter in the Rati tradition. The Corva believe that the hunter did kill Diana, and when the god was slain, the hunter was wrought with grief and killed the soldiers in an act of anguish and penance.
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