Conrie Settlement in Incandescence | World Anvil
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A ruined hamlet in the tundra


Conrie was a settlement in Western Hivernal, south of Waft.  Conrie was formerly a subject of Bastirre, providing Ice from the frozen rivers further to the South. After the dissolution of Bastirre, the township installed a mayorship, that led the town until its destruction in 52PM.

The Railway

In the year 50PM, the city of Bastion announced plans to construct a railroad leading through the town. Then-mayor, Arthur Brandywhile, was staunchly opposed to the decision. He claimed that the act was infringing upon the town's rights, but the township was in unanimous agreement that Brandywhile was a Bastirre Nationalist who refused to recognize the authority of Bastion, even in the Post-Malignancy world.

Fall of Conrie

The events surrounding the destruction of Conrie vary wildly depending on the source. Brandywhile, who after the city's fall earned himself a quiet, unobtrusive desk job for Bastion's transportation department, vehemently insists that it was an Encroachment of Malignancy that destroyed the town. The survivors from the town, however, claim it was an explosion that destroyed the town's burgeoning railway station. The source of the explosion has been attributed to the elemental construction equipment, to sabotage, and by the occasional witness to an act of intervention by an Elemental.

52 PM

Owning Organization


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