Morea Elite Squad Military Formation in Inanta | World Anvil

Morea Elite Squad


The Morea Elite Squad is made up of the most formidable members of the Mordisi City Watch, Alverton City Watch, Burnsley City Watch, Savos City Watch, Seameet City Watch and the Morea Pirate Horde Guild fighters. They are part of the Guardians of Sand and Stone.



From the lowly recruit to the Commander on high, each has their role to play in the Elite Squad:
  • Recruits - recruited to the Elite Squad, each person may have some training from a City Watch, Morea Pirate Horde Guild or elsewhere, but until they are evaluated to see where they are place, no one knows if they will be an Apprentice, a Specialist or a Knight.
  • Apprentices - a recruit is given the rank of Apprentice if their training is good enough to keep them as part of the Elite, but not good enough to make them a Knight or a Specialist. They have five months to rectify this situation or they will be kicked out.
  • Knights - The core of the Elite Squad are the knights. The main qualifications to be part of the Elite Squad are met and they will have been given their individual assignments.
  • Knight Lieutenant - A Knight becomes a Lieutenant when they have proven leadership qualities. Each Lieutenant leads a team of knights (~10 knights).
  • Knight Champion - A Knight Lieutenant becomes a Knight Champion when they have proven their worth as a Knight Lieutenant and a place opens up for them as a Knight Champion. Each Knight Champion leads a platoon of knights (~5 teams). Each city/port on Morea has one platoon, except Savos which has two.
  • Knight Specialists - A Knight Specialist is a Knight that either didn't make the grade to be part of the Elite Squad for general missions, or has retired from general missions due to age, injury or other reasons. These specialist still have viable skill sets that the Elite Squad can use, so they are moved under the Knight Captain and transferred into the ranks of the Elite Station. They will work as trainers, mages, technos, and other specialist depending on their skillset.
  • Knight Captain - A Knight Captain is a specialized Knight that runs an Elite Squad station. Instead of leading a platoon or a team, they run the station where the knights work and lead the civilians and non-combatants. These people are specialist like cooks, cleaners, mages, technologist, and others that work with the Knights, but don't have the skills and knowledge to be part of the Elite Squad. The Knight Captain and their team of Knight Specialists also handle anything related to families of past and present members of the elite squad so that members don't have to worry about them.
  • Lieutenant Commander - Second in Command over all the 300+ Knights, 125+ Specialists, and Civilian Non-combatants. They help the Commander run the Elite Squad, picking missions, making decisions, and filing paperwork.
  • Commander - The one who runs it all. They keep everything going in the wake of a disaster, or in the boring times of peace. They do it all if they have to, but should be delegating to the Knight Captains and Knight Champions as needed. The Commander must make sure that the Elite Squad is adhering to the charter and uphold the principles and standard of being an Elite. The Commander reports to the Order of the Guardian.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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