Runic diagrams

Welcome to Imperial Soulmates! In a gigantic and futuristic fantasy empire filled with solarpunk magitechs, Hélène is hiding that she's one of the emperor's soulmates. However, to lift the legal curse on her best friend, she will have to blackmail the emperor himself... Come read about her plans, and the world in which she lives!
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Runes and runic diagrams are one of the two basic elements that make up passive magic. They guide magic and anchor enchantments to stabilise them and give them a longer lifespan.    
What are runic diagrams?
What: Lines to guide the magic into taking specific shape, with the position of the lines and the geometrical shapes they form the product of complex mathematical calculations. Alongside these lines, runes are traced and their role i both to fix the new shape into the magic even as it leaves the diagram as well as to give it some additional properties such as a different vibration or speed.   Use: Runic diagrams don't have magic of their own and need to have enchantments infused and attached into them. The closer the enchantment is to the shape given to magic by the runic diagrams, that more stable the enchantment is and the longer it will last.   Shapes: Runic diagrams are carved, painted, embroidered etc on all magical artefacts, whether small ones like pieces of jewellery or big machineries in manufacture sites. They have also been upscaled to be formed by buildings in "gigantic architecture" such as the imperial palace and downscaled to be formed by the metal atoms in plant and fungi cells in organic magitech.
Examples of runic diagrams
Action on magic currents
Magic currents: magic can be modelised as both current and particles. For the purpose of runic diagrams, it is considered as a current constantly in movement.   Open vs closed diagrams: A closed runic diagrams is independent; once the diagram is activated, the magic that is pushed inside will keep moving inside it in an infinite loop. On the other hand, open diagrams need a constant input of magic from the user to give an output—e.g. a beam of fire—and as soon as the input stops, so does the output.   Runes: Runes are like miniature runic diagrams with their own magical currents circulating inside them and affecting the bigger magic currents running through the nearby geometric lines of the rest of the diagram.
Analysis of a few runic diagrams
Name: the circle
Effects: stagnation, constant flow, protection
Uses: to surround & contain (e.g. wards), to trigger a movement or the flow of stagnant magic
Name: the branch
Effects: division
Uses: to divide and sort flows of magic (the angle and lengths of the branch determining by how much)
Name: the broken circle
Effects: an explosion
Uses: to accelerate flows of magic or to give magic the properties of shock (e.g. to create an attack)
Name: the buckle
Effects: dead-end, slow down
Uses: to stop & immobilise flows of magic or give these properties to magic (e.g. wards & shields
Runic diagrams in society
History: Runes have always been one of the primary component of magic and humans have started using them very early in our history by tracing basic circles and shape into the soil.   Education: Basic runic diagrams are taught in all schools and known by all citizens in the empire. On the other hand, diagrams associated with complex magic are extremely complicated to design; several branches of mathematics are fully dedicated to do this and they require a full specialisation in higher education to learn.   Jobs: Recent innovations in magitech have fully focus on making the physical creations of more and more complex diagrams possible, and so mathematics and rune masters have taken more and more importance in society and become more numerous. Nowadays it is a very lucrative fields of work and study and one many young people dream to join.
"And finally, we have another classic block available in this brand new building over there, a bit more expensive but with all possible amenities having been put in!"   Hélène looked dubiously at the building in question and the sign proudly declaring it to be the centre of a gigantic architecture project. Even though the technology was now outdated, it still had a lot of cultural cachet.   Never mind the danger in these installations. As soon as a building was slightly out of alignment or tilted, as soon as there was a tiny land slide or erosion, the runic diagram was broken apart and everyone would be lucky if they got away with only an explosion.   With the building in question being the habitual domi-moss-and-a-hundred-of-floors, there would be few survivors regardless.   She turned back towards the real estate agent. "I'll take the apartment."
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Dec 11, 2023 21:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that runic diagrams are kind of just like maths. They can be really simple, like a circle, or exceedingly complicated enough you need like 4 PhDs to understand them. :D

Dec 22, 2023 16:23 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Exactly! I always love to include a ton of maths in my magic XD   Thanks for your comment <3

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Dec 18, 2023 12:27 by Annie Stein

ohh, its so pretty!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Dec 22, 2023 16:22 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Thanks <3 I'm very satisfied with this design and for making it a bit different than I usually do!

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Dec 30, 2023 11:36 by Clementine Dehning

I really want to know how much time did you spent working out the details of how it works logistically, or are you gonna hand wave the more complicated ones?

Trans Rights are Human Rights
Jan 1, 2024 15:35 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I don't actually have all details figured out XD I don't know the exact diagram that correspond to each specific application, but I know the main principles and rules that govern their design so that I can describe my scientist characters to about creating one or commenting on the design of one.   A lot of times, I also come up with something on the spot while writing a novel, and then I come back later to add context to the worldbuilding so that it makes sense. It's more efficient that way XD

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
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