Gora Character in Illios | World Anvil


Gora is the god of War and Courage.   Out of all the nine great divines, Gora has become the least worshipped. The only area where Gora is the most popular God, is with the Goliath tribes of the snowy peaks. Goliath's often make offerings to Gora before heading into battle, asking for his blessing and protection. In return, they pledge to show no mercy and fight with all their strength until the end.   Gora is the other side of the coin to Aimonval where Aimonval is all about honor, chivalry, protecting the innocent, Gora says the strong will rise and the weak will fall, there is no need for prisoners, as they were to weak and lost, there lives are forfeit.   Gora is depicted as a massive and muscular figure, wielding a massive battle axe that is said to have the power to level mountain, and a Cracked Greatsword he wielded against the dark hordes of Vordakai. He is often depicted wearing armor made from the bones of his enemies and his eyes are said to glow with the fire of battle.   Despite his brutal nature, the followers of Gora do not see him as a cruel god. Instead, they believe that he represents the natural order of things, where the strong survive and the weak fall. They believe that death in battle is a sacred and honorable way to die, and that Gora will welcome their souls into his great hall.

Divine Domains



Mountain Cleaver: This is a massive, two-handed battle axe that is said to have been wielded by Gora himself. It is said to have the power to level mountains and to be indestructible. Those who possess the Axe of Gora are said to be unbeatable in battle and to have the favor of Gora.   Blood Drinker: This is a massive, two-handed greatsword that is said to have been wielded by Gora himself. It is said to be infused with the power of the god of war and courage, and to grant its bearer the strength and determination to conquer their enemies. The blade becomes engulfed in fire during combat, which grows with each kill in the battle.   The Helmet of War: This is a powerful helmet that is said to have been worn by some of the greatest warriors of the early Arcanum era. It is said to have the power to inspire fear in the hearts of the bearer's enemies and to protect the wearer from all harm. Those who wear the Helmet of War are said to be unbeatable in battle, and to have the relentless determination of Gora.   Titan's gauntlets: These are powerful gauntlets that are said to have been worn by Gora himself. They are said to increase the strength of the wearer, and to make them nearly unstoppable in battle. Those who wear the Titan's Gauntlets are said to be the mightiest of warriors, and to have the raw power of Gora.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A great axe and great sword crossed over a skull.

Tenets of Faith

Strength is all that matters, Mercy is for the weak.    It is better to die in the fight with weapon in hand than to be captured.


Festival of Blood: This is a week-long celebration held at the end of summer, to honor the great battles fought and won by the followers of Gora. On this day, warriors from all over the land gather to compete in trials of strength and skill, and the winner is named the champion of Gora for the coming year. This festival is also marked by great feasts and revelry, as the followers of Gora celebrate their victories and the power of their god.
Divine Classification