Illicid History of Merboitha Timeline
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History of Merboitha

First Age

0 1302

  • 702 FA

    17 /8
    702 FA

    17 /8

    The Founding of Dal-Tondal

    The great port city of Dal-Tondal was founded on this day.

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  • 1299 FA

    28 /10
    1299 FA

    28 /10

    The Founding of Merboitha

    This day marked the appointment of the First King of Merboitha after the unification of the Territories of Brethers, Gathamia, Whittlenia, and the Greater Houses of Seatshambee.

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  • 1301 FA

    16 /2
    1301 FA

    16 /2

    Unification Day
    Diplomatic action

    This day marks the end of the Haer-Boithan Wars with the unification of all the central territories under the flag of the new country Merboitha. It was at this point that Taria, Somardia, and the remaining houses of Seatshambee signed the Unification Peace Treaty.

Second Age

1303 3875

The Second Age began when the first King of the newly founded country of Merboitha ended the final wars among the central nations of the island continent, creating the country known today as Merboitha.

  • 1517 SA

    13 /4
    1517 SA

    13 /4

    The Battle of the Four Peaks

    The Freemen of Duunir led the armies of Merboitha against the mad sorcerer Morrowgale on the slopes of the Four Peaks of the Western Reaches (Later renamed to Morrowgale's Fallen of The Heartstone Mountains).

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  • 1714 SA

    10 /2
    2266 SA

    6 /6

    The Rule of King Arrumund of Merboitha
    Life, Career
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  • 1743 SA

    10 /6 12:00
    1743 SA

    11 /6 01:00

    The Renaming of the Heartstone Mountains
    Cultural event

    On this day King Arrumund decreed that the Western Reaches, coloquilly known as the Boitha's Mane, would officially be renamed The Heartstone Mountains in honour of the soldiers that gave their lives during the War of the Million Tears.

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  • 3702 SA

    14 /7
    3702 SA

    12 /7

    Gnomes Discovered in Merboitha
    Discovery, Scientific

    While taking shelter in a cave deep in The Heartstone Mountains, a Duunian Ranger stumbled across a gnomish city, burried deep beneath the rocks. This was the first time the species had ever been seen in Merboitha.

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Third Age

3877 4201

  • 3923 TA

    17 /3
    3923 TA

    17 /3

    The Port Side Anchor is Constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    The Port Side Anchor finished construction and opened for business on this day. Within its first week of operation it had seen the meeting of Count Rolestad and Tanilla The Proud.

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  • 3925 TA

    4 /9
    3925 TA

    4 /9

    The Aywin Split from the Nahorei
    Political event

    A subset group of the Nahorei who had recently developed potent psionic abilities split away from the larger organization over fears oppression, establishing The Aywin.

  • 3996 TA

    24 /2
    3996 TA

    24 /2

    The Discovery of the Deepstill Mine
    Discovery, Exploration

    Seeking their fortunes in the Heartstone Mountain Ranges, the Dwarven Family Deepstill stumbled onto a rich vein of silver. They established the town of Hitchbuton and began to mine the ore.

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  • 4017 TA

    13 /6
    4017 TA

    13 /6

    The Three Crows Advenurer's Guild is Established
  • 4072 TA

    12 /4
    4072 TA

    13 /4

    The Battle of Miften's Ford
    Military: Skirmish

    The pirate ambush headed to the port city of Dal-Tondal was completely wiped out by a small group of soldiers and civilians, which allowed the city to continue fighting against the Pirate King in the Burgandy Seige.