The Duunian Rangers Organization in Illicid | World Anvil
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The Duunian Rangers (Doon-ee-an)

Created from the ashes of The Freemen of Duunir, out of the fear that the sorcerer Morrowgale still lives, the Rangers of old swore oaths to any god or man that would listen; oaths that would see them roam the peaks and far reaches of The Heartstone Mountains in search of any signs of the sorcerer, either that he lives, or that he did indeed perish on the cold and unforgiving cliffs.

In the millennia that have passed since the Scrounging of Morrowgale's Keep the Rangers have become known simply as the Guardians of the West, defending the Kingdom of Merboitha from armies looking to invade from the snowy peaks. The Rangers are also said to be the only living beings alive who have heard The Song of Stone and Snow, the song of the Heartstone Mountains. It is said that it's melody changes the Rangers, although most people believe that this song is only a myth.


The Ranger's Crest by SubtleDragon057 via Armoria

The Rangers have a very loosely structured organization, which dates back to their time as little more than a rebellion against Morrowgale. Despite this their leadership is structured into The Council. Traditionally, The Council is made up of 7 elected members, who serve either until they die, or are removed by unanimous council vote during the Solstice Gathering. There is no rule stating that The Council cannot be greater than 7 though, only that there must be an odd number of council members.

The only organized meeting of the Rangers happens once a year on the Winter Solstice and is simply called the Solstice Gathering. While not required to be there, most rangers do their best to make it, or ask one of their brethren to update them after, as this is where all rangers share the information that they have acquired over the year.


Due to the solitary nature of their profession, the Rangers rarely interact with each other, or other people, and are often characterized as being strangers and outcasts. Despite this, most folk from the west know that the Rangers protect the borders of the Kingdom, and so they give any rangers their an extent.


While no official land titles or deeds have ever been given, it is widely accepted that The Haunted Forest of Duunir, the peaks of Morrowgale's Fallen, and the remains of Morrowgale's Keep at the foot of those peaks belong to the Rangers.

"Oiale Tir - Oiale Polodren"

Founding Date
1517 SA
Military Order
Alternative Names
Guardians of the West, Watchers
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
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Cover image: by SubtleDragon057 via Wombo
Character flag image: The Rangers of Duunir by SubtleDragon057 via Wombo
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