Rabanastre Settlement in Ikeshia | World Anvil



A cultural and economical melting pot of the world, it is not uncommon to see many races mingling in any one place while visiting Rabanastre.


A Socialist Meritocracy, Rabanastre is ruled by the The Council of Rabanastre. The members of this council are chosen from the most skillful members of society: those who have risen to the tops of their professions and exerted influence reaching even beyond the city itself. Anyone can be elected to the council at any time by the existing members and the size of the council has fluctuated greatly over the years. Recently, war and devastation has brought this number worryingly low.


While Rabanastre could once claim the most powerful military in the world thanks to General Tychus Vox, the Dread War has largely decimated the land and air forces of the nation. The newly appointed Councilor Nero Vox has issued a call-to-arms across the nation in a hasty attempt to bolster the weakened army. This new fighting force is being designed with a two-fold intent: warrior-builders to not only fight, but assist in the reconstruction of the devastated nation.
Fortunately for the world economy, the Ivalice navy, while still scarred from occasional conflicts, remains largely intact. The city itself was surrounded by recently built walls due to the conflict, though large sections suffered heavily during the blitz on the capital itself.

Industry & Trade

As a nerve center of the world, Rabanastre largely prospers on trade and international diplomacy. Though the nation does export many goods produced within its borders - from raw stone to the famed pastures of Agave - it's primary income comes from the taxation and standardization of goods across the continent and beyond. Early in the creation of the International Assembly, it was determined that a standardized currency would need to be agreed upon. Rabanastre, being centrally located, had become the primary exchanger of currency and thus was tasked with determining a standard exchange rate. Equal and fair to all involved, the gold standard was born and years later, the ports of Rabanastre still fill with merchants and traders day in and day out looking to hawk their goods or pass them along to the next route.
Alternative Name(s)
The Heart of the World, The Golden City
Est. 80,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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