Limberry Settlement in Ikeshia | World Anvil


The Town of Limberry is a small logging community set at a crossroads between the Timber and Southern Road. It is bordered on one side by a dense forest known as the Tranquil Forest. It offers good hunting and lumber. This makes it a very important trading good for Ivalice and neighboring regions. The buildings all share similar styles of plain, wooden exteriors and more ornate wooden shingled roofs. The town center has a open market plaza bordered by two trade districts and Limberry's only inn: Dark Woods Inn .

  Many of it's people fled to Selbina during the war and became refugee's eventually staying there or ending up in Rabanastre . With this, the village turned into more of a hamlet for those who stayed behind. The hope that those who survived return to Limberry.

  Two and a half weeks after the war it was taken over by a group of bandits. The bandits eventually were arrested and taken back to Rabanastre to serve their sentence and then hopefully become citizens.
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